Those street cigarette ashtray bins - always on fire!
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:23 pm
My rant:
I'm getting annoyed constantly by these street cigarette ashtray bins (the metal tubes with a little 'butt out' tray at the top, which people are then supposed to put their non-lit butts into).
The reason I'm annoyed is because no-joke, every second one of these is billowing huge amounts of smoke at any given time... the smell is putrid and more unhealthy than cigarettes (as its all the foam butts that are burning)... I'm even a part time smoker and I'm fuming at these things - actually starting to hate them.
I have no problem with smokers in most ways, like I said, being a part-time one myself.. but what I have a real problem with is stupid smokers who can't get it through their thick nicotine-filled heads that they need to actually put the cigarette out before putting it in one of these bins... How do we idiot proof these things? Do people need training to use one? If people aren't smart enough to use one of these things then they should have to carry their butts around with them all day... I mean seriously it takes about 3 seconds to make sure your butt is put out, which by the way, is one of the crucial steps in the whole damned activity.
I pity the employers of these people.... anyway so they either need to be trained to use these devices (no one is going to be bothered training imbecilic people)... or these bins need to be even more idiot proof... because I'm really incredibly sick of all these smoke-billowing-cigarette-filter bins. Really (*%&ing sick of them.
Probably an improvement in design would be best. Ahhh, feels good to vent.
I'm getting annoyed constantly by these street cigarette ashtray bins (the metal tubes with a little 'butt out' tray at the top, which people are then supposed to put their non-lit butts into).
The reason I'm annoyed is because no-joke, every second one of these is billowing huge amounts of smoke at any given time... the smell is putrid and more unhealthy than cigarettes (as its all the foam butts that are burning)... I'm even a part time smoker and I'm fuming at these things - actually starting to hate them.
I have no problem with smokers in most ways, like I said, being a part-time one myself.. but what I have a real problem with is stupid smokers who can't get it through their thick nicotine-filled heads that they need to actually put the cigarette out before putting it in one of these bins... How do we idiot proof these things? Do people need training to use one? If people aren't smart enough to use one of these things then they should have to carry their butts around with them all day... I mean seriously it takes about 3 seconds to make sure your butt is put out, which by the way, is one of the crucial steps in the whole damned activity.
I pity the employers of these people.... anyway so they either need to be trained to use these devices (no one is going to be bothered training imbecilic people)... or these bins need to be even more idiot proof... because I'm really incredibly sick of all these smoke-billowing-cigarette-filter bins. Really (*%&ing sick of them.
Probably an improvement in design would be best. Ahhh, feels good to vent.