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APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:32 pm
by duke
PARKLANDS campaigners want whoever wins Saturday’s State Election to ban all money-making events in the city’s green belt.

In a list of demands revealed to the City North Messenger, the Adelaide Parklands Preservation Association (APPA) has called for a ban on any event that charges a fee to enter the Parklands, and an impact study to assess the environmental toll of past events.

The ban would include WOMADelaide, the Clipsal 500, the International Horse Trials and some Fringe and Adelaide Festival shows, which together sell millions of tickets each year.

APPA president Kelly Henderson said the group wanted the Parklands used exclusively for health, wellbeing and recreation,"in accordance” with Colonel Light’s intended Parklands vision.

http://city-north-messenger.whereilive. ... cash-grab/

Anyone else think this is crazy?!

I guess this would also cover things like the Circus and Soundwave?! :-| ... ssociation

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:39 pm
by AtD
Elections sure do drag out the loonies. Only a small fraction of the parklands are closed off at any given time, even in March.

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:32 pm
by Will
I don't know why the media gives so much publicity to such backward-thinking people.

The only place such articles belong is in the 'WTF' column of

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:08 am
by Prince George
How could we get access to time-lapse camera? Making a video showing just how much (or little, should I say) use the parklands get would be a good way to put these claims in perspective. And St Clair too.

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:23 am
by duke
Prince George wrote:How could we get access to time-lapse camera? Making a video showing just how much (or little, should I say) use the parklands get would be a good way to put these claims in perspective. And St Clair too.
I like that idea.

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:08 pm
by peas_and_corn
For the obsessive compulsive in me, could one of the mods please take out that unnecessary apostrophe in the title?

Re: APPA wants all paid event's banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:57 pm
by monotonehell
peas_and_corn wrote:For the obsessive compulsive in me, could one of the mods please take out that unnecessary apostrophe in the title?
You don't know how hard I've been resisting posting something similar. People tell me off when I do. My eye twitches when I see this thread.

Don't put an apostrophe in plurals, please.

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:02 pm
by duke
No idea why I put that there :D

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:09 pm
by monotonehell
duke wrote:No idea why I put that there :D
Probably because you see "everyone else" doing it. ;)

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:41 pm
by Pants
Haha, I am a complete and utter apostrophe Nazi and I've just recently started noticing how much people use 'there's' in circumstances where they should use 'there are'. I'm talking politicians, reporters, print journalists, lecturers, teachers, singers etc and it's killing me.

I know I need to get some real problems, but still...

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:49 am
by monotonehell
Pants wrote:...I've just recently started noticing how much people use 'there's' in circumstances where they should use 'there are'. I'm talking politicians, reporters, print journalists, lecturers, teachers, singers etc and it's killing me.
There's the big problem. It's gone unchecked for a generation. Now the teachers don't know how to teach the next generation, it will just become progressively worse.

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:19 am
by Pants
Is right. I’m in for a whole world of pain for the rest of my life having to listen to it.

I was walking down Rundle Mall the other day and a busker was singing Imagine. He belted out “imagine there’s no countries” and I dispaired. John Lennon of all people!

So yeah, I need to get some real problems.

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:32 am
by rhino
Pants wrote:He belted out “imagine there’s no countries”
Well done, there aren't too many people who would have picked that up.

(notice I said would have, not would of - that's another one that gives me the irrits!)

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:03 pm
by Prince George
Actually, that might not be so clear; the line may use a plural word (countries), but the object of the sentence isn't the countries, it's their absence, and it's debatable whether that should be singular or plural, or even that it's strictly correct. It's a tricky point of ontology - does the absence of things constitute a thing?

I recollect back in the 90's one philosophy prof musing that she had seen the students marching the day before chanting "What do we want? No fees! And when do we want it? Now!" -- boy, we were an imaginative bunch back at uni -- and she was pondering whether that really had a solid meaning (wanting no fees) and that perhaps a more correct sentiment was "What don't we want? Fees! And when will we want them? Never!".

In any case, language isn't a fixed thing, it changes over time. The grammar-philes of old would be mortified to see how often we are splitting infinitives, leaving dangling prepositions, or ending setences with conjunctions.

Re: APPA wants all paid events banned from Adelaide Parklands

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:38 pm
by rhino
It still should be "Imagine there are no countries" or "there aren't any countries" or "there's no country".

Imagine there's no parkland,
It isn't hard to do.
Nothing to keep green all summer,
and no APPA too.
Imagine all the people
Living in TODs .....