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Record grain harvest

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:48 am
by rhino
Considering the drought and flooding rains the rest of the country has experienced in the past 12 months, here in SA we've brought in a bumper harvest. Good to see that a select committee to investigate grain handling in South Australia is being set up - desperately needed IMO, Viterra has let the farmers down, somewhat.

Grain harvest worth $3.4bn after years of drought
Nigel Austin From: The Advertiser March 10, 2011 12:00AM

SOUTH Australia's farmers have reaped a record grain crop worth $3.4 billion.

The 10.34 million-tonne haul was much larger than expected in January when it was tipped to be worth $2.5 billion.

The latest government Crop and Pasture Report shows the harvest also exceeds the previous record of 9.36 million tonnes in 2001-02.

Agriculture Minister Michael O'Brien said it was ultimately a boon for farmers and the economy, despite the challenges posed by the logistics of handling a large crop.

"Many farmers are reporting large profits, some the best ever, thanks to the record grain harvest and high grain prices," he said.

"Our producers have fared much better than their interstate counterparts who have not only endured high summer rainfall and drought but also natural disasters."

The bumper harvest is also worth at least $1 billion more than the previous most valuable harvest in 2001.

The Primary Industries and Resources SA Crop Report found the damage to crops from harvest rains was less than anticipated and is estimated to have reduced the value of production by about $200 million.

Mr O'Brien said while the harvest was largely finished during January, rain delayed the completion until late last month in the South-East, one of the latest ever finishes.

The record crop compares to a five-year average of only 5.6 million tonnes.

SA Farmers Federation grains committee chairman Michael Schaefer said the state needed "at least another year like this to help farmers recover from the years of drought and poor prices".

Mr Schaefer expected a carryover of about 2.5 million tonnes of grain by next harvest as it would not be possible to physically export the whole crop before then.

Handling and storage problems led to the announcement of a select committee to investigate grain handling in South Australia yesterday.

Opposition agriculture spokesman Adrian Pederick said his motion, supported by both sides of the House of Assembly, would investigate the grain handling sector.

Re: Record grain harvest

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:25 pm
by flavze
it's always nice when a bumper crop is matched up with top prices. The top prices has also been great for the guys interstate who have lost some of their crop as it has still kept them in buisness.