Starting a thread for interesting residential architecture & construction, be they in Adelaide city, suburbs, or further afield in SA.
I spotted this in an architectural mag a couple of days ago. It's somewhere down the south coast of SA. Architect & Owner is Shane Hendriks. Lots of pikkies available online (search for Shane Hendriks cube house) and this video too.
Interesting SA Residential Developments
Interesting SA Residential Developments
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Re: Interesting SA Residential Developments
Driven past this heaps of times but keep forgetting to take a photo. Is on the left side set back a bit from the road as you head out of Pt Elliot toward Goolwa. Half way round the sweeping left hand bend.
It's marked on Google maps as 'ABC Advanced Building Constructons PTY'
It's marked on Google maps as 'ABC Advanced Building Constructons PTY'
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Interesting SA Residential Developments ... y-comments
Would love to see this happenMORPHETTVILLE Racecourse would be transformed into an apartment and entertainment complex modelled on a Hong Kong racetrack, under fresh plans presented to the Marion and West Torrens councils.
The SA Jockey Club project would include apartment buildings up to eight storeys high for more than 2000 residents near Anzac Highway that would give some a prime view of the finishing line.
A pedestrian bridge over the Glenelg tramline would provide access to the racecourse through a plaza from Anzac Highway, freeing up congestion on Morphett Rd on race days.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Happy Valley Racecourse is surrounded by tall apartment buildings.
The SA Jockey Club’s plan, still in a concept stage, was presented to Marion Council’s urban planning committee in April and the full council last week.
Councillors voted to ask State Planning Minister John Rau to take over management of the rezoning of the area between the racecourse and Anzac Highway because it straddles two council areas and the tramline.
Marion will ask West Torrens Council to support the government handling the approval process.
The land south of the tramline is in Marion, the land north of it is in West Torrens — where The Junction function centre is — and the tramline is controlled by the State Government.
Urban planning committee chairman Nathan Prior said councillors were impressed with the plans.
“I’m pretty excited about it to be honest,” Cr Prior said. “It’s a good spot to have high-density development because of the proximity to the tramline and Anzac Highway.”
He said planner Geoff Bone compared it to the Hong Kong racecourse during the presentation.
SAJC chief executive Brenton Wilkinson said up to 2200 people could end up living on what was now mostly vacant land. Mr Wilkinson said the plan would help secure the club’s financial future.
“The visual appeal of Morphettville is front of mind,” Mr Wilkinson said.
Marion Council in 2008 suggested the area near the Morphettville tram stop as suitable for a transport-oriented development.
The racing club began talks with the State Government, Marion and West Torrens councils to develop sections of its land for housing and commercial activity in 2014. West Torrens Mayor John Trainer said there would be traffic concerns but the two councils were generally supportive of the racing industry.
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