The street preachers are back

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The street preachers are back

#1 Post by crawf » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:02 pm

I noticed the Preachers were back tonight

However it was only a handful of them, one sign and no sound equipment... just one very loud voice :roll:

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#2 Post by pushbutton » Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:07 pm

I find them very amusing to watch!

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#3 Post by Brucetiki » Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:53 pm

What's that old saying about arguing with idiots

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#4 Post by metro » Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:26 pm

As I walked past told them to "get a life", such a sad mob of people. I wish they'd all just move to Melbourne :roll:

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#5 Post by rhino » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:05 pm

I told them they were going to hell for shouting at innocent people

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#6 Post by AtD » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:46 am

Sydney gets them too. Disgusting.

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#7 Post by obituary resider » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:44 pm

Though I am an atheist, I think they make the day (and the mall) slightly more interesting ;) They also act as a timely reminder of how much freedom of speech there is here compared to other places around the world.

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#8 Post by [Shuz] » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:14 am

Surely you're taking the piss?
Any views and opinions expressed are of my own, and do not reflect the views or opinions of any organisation of which I have an affiliation with.

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#9 Post by obituary resider » Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:39 pm

Nope, genuine. I look at it as a (all be it grotesquely) distorted form of busking. Compared with buskers, they have much more scope for interaction with the users of the mall as well. I find it absolutely hilarious/fascinating when someone thinks they are gonna be the one to talk some sense into them (as if nobody else has tried) and then proceeds to lose their cool when they realise anything they say just adds fuel to the fire. To be fair, I probably also have a less exciting life than others though ;)

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Re: U/C: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

#10 Post by crawf » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:02 pm

obituary resider wrote:Nope, genuine. I look at it as a (all be it grotesquely) distorted form of busking. Compared with buskers, they have much more scope for interaction with the users of the mall as well. I find it absolutely hilarious/fascinating when someone thinks they are gonna be the one to talk some sense into them (as if nobody else has tried) and then proceeds to lose their cool when they realise anything they say just adds fuel to the fire. To be fair, I probably also have a less exciting life than others though ;)
Interaction hey..
Fear God or her? :shock:

They have previously annoyed train passengers and have been seen in the burbs and some country towns.

I do not see these individuals as 'buskers' they are a pest to society and especially the mall. People do not need to be harassed by this religious fruit cases that have more than likely sinned themselves or still have a few items hiding in the closet. I am so glad the council is so proactive against this matter and the court system is finally seeing common sense.

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Re: The street preachers are back

#11 Post by rev » Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:13 am

Not this sh** again. :wallbash:

Ignore them. Simple solution.

How are they pests?
A nuisance sure, at times.

But let's be honest the problem some of you have isn't that they are a nuisance or causing a public disturbance but that they are anti-homosexual, and you're homesexual.
They've got a right to their beliefs like you've got a right to your sexuality.
It's like two extremist groups, hypocritically calling for the other to be silenced because they are offended by them, while simultaneously would offending them.

In the middle are caught the normal people who just don't give a fuck about what either group has to say.

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Re: The street preachers are back

#12 Post by Matt » Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:23 pm

Replace their ranting about sexuality with ranting about race and this pack of degenerates would have been out of there years ago.

It shouldn't be any different.

In spite of the garbage in the last post (and the garbage similarly excreted by our illustrious Attorney General), the 'freedom' to be a bigot shouldn't trump a person's right to visit a public place without being vilified by a bunch of bible thumping cretins.

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Re: The street preachers are back

#13 Post by crawf » Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:14 am

rev wrote:Not this sh** again. :wallbash:

Ignore them. Simple solution.

How are they pests?
A nuisance sure, at times.
They are pests to this city. They scream and shout their so called religious beliefs in an abusive hurtful and disgusting tone, which not only upsets people but is totally inappropriate for a major shopping precinct.

If these individuals preached in Westfield Marion or any other indoor complex for example, they would be straight away be kicked out by security. So why should people who work or shop in the city need to put up with them?

Hell harassing people on public transport and some country towns cements their reputation as pests.
But let's be honest the problem some of you have isn't that they are a nuisance or causing a public disturbance but that they are anti-homosexual, and you're homesexual.
They've got a right to their beliefs like you've got a right to your sexuality.
It's like two extremist groups, hypocritically calling for the other to be silenced because they are offended by them, while simultaneously would offending them.

In the middle are caught the normal people who just don't give a fuck about what either group has to say.
Ofcourse everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, but there is a place for that and Rundle Mall is not that place. Rundle Mall and infact the city, is a place where all different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, colours, opinions, whatever congregate to play, shop, dine and socialise.

It would be same with gay rights lobbyists in the mall. However at least with them they wouldn't be so degrading and insulting towards other people.

BTW I originally posted this in the Rundle Mall thread as a general observation. I never had any attention to start a in depth discussion.

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Re: The street preachers are back

#14 Post by rev » Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:17 am

Are they actually breaking any laws though?

How can you say its a place for everyone and then say but....except these people because I don't like what they are saying and they are saying it too loud.

You say everyone is entitled to their beliefs..but these people. Should be silenced for theirs.

I don't know exactly what they say..or yell..can you give me some examples?

Political correctness crap or legitimate concerns?

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Re: The street preachers are back

#15 Post by pushbutton » Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:28 am

They say things like "God hates gays" and "Prepare now or burn in hell". Very clearly offensive stuff.

It's not as if they're just quietly and peacefully expressing their opinions.

In contrast, there used to be an elderly man who was often seen in Rundle Mall (he might still be doing it but I haven't seen him in recent years). He would dress in army fatigues and hand out free bibles to anyone who wanted one.

I'm atheist, but I could never be offended by the actions of that guy.

If the street preachers genuinely want to persuade people to consider religion, they could learn a lot from him. However I think their real motives are more to do with making an exhibition of themselves and trying to shock people.

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