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Goolwa/Hindmarsh Island | Developments & News

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:06 pm
by rhino
From today's 'Tiaser:

Gold Coast comes to Hindmarsh Island

ANOTHER 1200 homes are to be built on Hindmarsh Island in a $350 million development proposed for its northern side. Designed around a canal, the Narnu Waterways development is to be built on 250ha of private land. Preparations for an Environmental Impact Statement are under way.

The State Government has granted proposed major project status for the plan by Chapman family-run development company, Classpoint, and land owner Michael Jolly.

The development includes about 1000 allotments, including waterfront homes with boat berths and a retirement village of 20homes.

Classpoint chief executive Andrew Chapman said he expected the EIS to be finished in the new year. If approved, the development should begin in 2008 and take 10 years.

Mr Chapman, also involved in the Marina Hindmarsh Island project, said: "The market is moving on waterfront housing, which makes it a great opportunity with that piece of land." South Australian Wilderness Society campaign co-ordinator Peter Owen, however, said further residential development may not be suitable for a Ramsar site which is conserved under the Commonwealth List for Wetlands of International Importance. "Serious questions need to be asked as to whether these types of development are appropriate in a Ramsar site," he said.

The Ramsar Convention is a global treaty for the conservation of wetlands. Mr Owen said housing development on the island had been linked to environmental changes. "There is no doubt over the last decade bird numbers in this area have collapsed and this correlates with the increase in development," he said.

Ngarrindjeri Heritage Committee chairman Tom Trevorrow, who, during the 1990s, fought the construction of the Hindmarsh Island Bridge on cultural grounds, said the group was not yet ready to comment on the project.

There will be an opportunity for public comment when the EIS is released for public exhibition. A public meeting will be held. In addition to homes, a waterfront cafe, sewage treatment plant, and a network of walking trails, through the retained woodland area, are planned.

Alexandrina Mayor Kym McHugh said that although the region was one of the fastest growing in the state, the council wanted to find a balance between development and conservation.

The last time I saw the Hindmarsh Island marina, there was still a lot of vacant land, and at least one more canal planned. Do we need another marina on Hindmarsh Island yet? In a Ramsar wetland?

(I'm just playing devil's advocate here.)

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:19 pm
by aussie2000
great news, but what has it got in common with the gold coast beside water, which is in all australian cities, THANK GOD

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:20 pm
by Pistol
I read that heading and was expecting 50 storey buildings down there! Ha. Yeah I am baffled as to how this compares with with The GC. There are so many parts of South Australia that are apparently the new Gold Coast - Glenelg, Victor and now Hindmarsh Island. I sometimes get confused which state I live in!!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:44 pm
by Howie
aussie2000 wrote:great news, but what has it got in common with the gold coast beside water, which is in all australian cities, THANK GOD
Ain't that the truth. It might as well said something like "Hindmarsh Island to become the next hawaii" ... wouldn't put it past them either :)

Great news though.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:17 am
It is a great development, but an awful area... there are many better places for such a development. Hindmarsh Island is just too cold for seaside development (its worse than Melbourne in summer!)

#Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:14 pm
by Wayno
from AdelaideNow ... 82,00.html
Four-star hotel complex at The Marina Hindmarsh Island
A $20 million-plus resort and conference centre will be built on Hindmarsh Island, the latest step in the area's building boom.
hindmarsh-hotel.jpg (35.65 KiB) Viewed 22386 times
Approval for the four-star hotel complex at The Marina Hindmarsh Island by the Development Assessment Commission comes as work gets under way on a nearby $50 million waterfront village, including 116 homes.
Low water levels from the ongoing drought have not dampened enthusiasm for construction on the island, with 50 homes built at The Marina Hindmarsh Island in the past 12 months.

The new resort will have 86 bedrooms, including 60 hotel rooms, 10 two-bedroom deluxe suite apartments and two three-bedroom deluxe suites, a rooftop pool, gymnasium and spa retreat.

It will have an over-water dining terrace, a private dining room seating 60, a bar, cafe and entertainment area. A conference room will seat 280 guests and have pre-function areas and breakout rooms.

The Marina Hindmarsh Island chief executive Andrew Chapman will now seek an operator for the resort before seeking tenders for construction work.

"We haven't got a timeframe on it yet but are looking at a development in excess of $20 million which will provide significant construction jobs and, more importantly, long-term jobs running the resort and mid-range conference centre," he said.

"Hindmarsh Island is the perfect conference destination offering a world-class marina and nearby attractions such as award-winning wineries, golf courses and stunning beaches, all just an hour's drive from Adelaide.

"The meetings and events industry is continually looking for new venues that are accessible, versatile, modern and able to offer activities for delegates to enjoy after hours such as golf, sailing and team-building exercises."

South Australian Tourism Commission chief executive Andrew McEvoy said the development was fantastic news for the state.

"Regional South Australia needs more and better accommodation to grow visitation, and this is a great example of confidence by the private sector," he said.

"We've seen strong growth in the past few years in the mix of conference business and leisure at places like the Barossa Novotel, Clare Valley Country Club and McCraken Country Club."

Approval for the development comes as land is being prepared for foundations to be poured at Alexandrina Cove, a 5 hectare gated village with tennis court, library, beauty salon, community centre, business centre, bar and a private dining room. Stage one includes 23 homes, the community centre, tennis court and barbecue area.

There are now 387 homes at the Marina with the most expensive property selling for more than $1 million.

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:38 am
by Cruise
My parents went to Hindmarsh Island a couple of months ago and said just about every second house was up for sale and you couldn't reach the water from the births!!!

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:52 am
by Wayno
Personally i think the marina is horrid. Huge McMansions crammed next to each other. Very little personal privacy unless you hide in your tiny street-front courtyard. Also no chance of trees eventually making the neighbourhood greener and more lush - they will not be allowed as they will "spoil the ocean view".

I wonder if many houses are up for sale as they were purchased by retirees who have subsequently passed away? Remember victor harbour and surrounding area has the oldest average age of any district in australia!

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:59 am
by Shuz
Hindmarsh Island has got to be one of the biggest white elephants being built in this state. I fail to see what any of this development acheives?

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:07 pm
by muzzamo
Im glad i'm not the only negative nancy on this one. The Chapmans are crooks, and i get the impression this is just some spin that they are trying to put on things after all the bad press they have had recently about falling property prices and shrinking water levels.

Kinda similar to the spin in the paper you always get from the real estate institute after an interest rise...

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:31 pm
by JamesXander
I am no scientist but couldn't they build a locke or something at the entrance to the Marina to raise the levels, may cost a bit but would ensure prices remain high.

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:37 pm
by AtD
JamesXander wrote:I am no scientist but couldn't they build a locke or something at the entrance to the Marina to raise the levels, may cost a bit but would ensure prices remain high.
There already is one. There's very little water coming into the lakes because there's dozens of locks, weirs and diversions upstream.

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:38 pm
by monotonehell
JamesXander wrote:I am no scientist but couldn't they build a locke or something at the entrance to the Marina to raise the levels, may cost a bit but would ensure prices remain high.
There is a barrage there already ;)

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:56 pm
by sensatinaladelaide
My only thoughts are this and it is typical of Adelaide, how can anything be successful if people can't EASILY get there? I think a train line to Victor and on to Hindmarsh Island is a requirement for a multitude of reasons which I will choose not to elaborate greatly on now.

I also think extensions of the tram system are needed to really grow this state. I would expect tram extensions to North Adelaide, Norwood, Unley, Port Road and running along Military road and joining the Glenelg station making Henley and Grange more accessible.

As an Australian, I know we are generally too lazy to do anything that is too hard or too inconvenient. So make things convenient. If you don't, the state offers, local business suffers, residents suffer and home affordability suffers. A boring state with no opportunities leads to more crime etc etc Adelaide is so far behind, they could scrap unemployment funds and have people building this state on 'work for the dole' arrangements. Start handing out picks and shovels and I am sure the bludgers and petty criminals will find a real job.

Re: #Approved: 4 Star Hotel on Hindmarsh Island

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:43 pm
by monotonehell
sensatinaladelaide wrote:My only thoughts are this and it is typical of Adelaide, how can anything be successful if people can't EASILY get there? I think a train line to Victor and on to Hindmarsh Island is a requirement for a multitude of reasons which I will choose not to elaborate greatly on now.
I think you might need to elaborate on that. You're proposing a train line all the way onto Hindmarsh Island for a tiny community of holiday homes? Populated by people who not only have their own transport, but would be very unlikely to take public transport for the reason that it's in the country and you need your own car/boat out there to go places.

The rest of your post is off topic so I'll just say that you're probably right, but I'll reserve any other comment for the appropriate thread.

And WELCOME to SensationalAdelaide!