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#1 Post by Wayno » Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:28 pm

Rip It Up

Adelaide is set to host its most specific – but also perhaps its most universal – food festival yet with what we can pretty safely assume is Australia’s first open air celebration of Nutella.

We’ve had Cheesefest, Beer & BBQ Festivals, Night Noodle Markets and a VeganFest, so a day devoted entirely to Australia’s second favourite breakfast spread (sorry, this writer is Team Vegemite) seems like the next logical step.

“It was just a silly idea one night that gained momentum, really,” event organiser David Porcaro explains of the event’s genesis. “Before we knew it people were keen, wanted to help out and see it happen,” he says. “Who doesn’t like Nutella, or some form of chocolate at least?”

Set to hit Bonython Park on Saturday, April 9, Nutella-Palooza (because really, what else would you call it) will feature a range of entertainment including cooking demonstrations and musical guests. So if you happen to be planning an Adelaide-based Nutella themed novelty band, this is probably your moment in the sun – we’re looking at you, post-breakup The Beards.

Supported by Splash Adelaide, the inaugural Nutella-Palooza will be a free and family-friendly event. Usually at this point we’d try and find out what kind of spread will be on offer, but in this instance that seems like a redundant question. But in case you’re keen for some kind of palate cleanser throughout the day to make what hazelnut and chocolate treats you devour taste all the more hazelnut and chocolatey, there will also by food trucks on site.

“We’ve got to offer savoury kinds of food for people to have lunch and whatnot,” says Porcaro, who also runs popular Adelaide food truck Delectaballs. “So there’ll be a good handful of Adelaide food trucks there. Also there will be some interstate guests coming over to do cooking demos,” he says of the full program, set to be revealed over the coming weeks.

So if this is you, it might be time to block out April 9 on your calendar… and perhaps the 10th as well to recover.
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Re: Nutella-Palooza

#2 Post by rev » Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:55 pm

Anyone go?
Did they have a big nutella fight?
They should.

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