SWP "Site works in progress" redefined
Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 2:50 pm
Hi all,
Due to recent PR stunts & discussions I've modified the definition of SWP a little to not include "...any site preparation, demolition of existing structures, clearing / leveling soil, ribbon cutting or sod turning ceremonies..." As these activities do not necessarily lead to a building actually being constructed or renovated.
To qualify as SWP, a project now must be directly excavating forms for foundations (or carrying out renovations).
Due to recent PR stunts & discussions I've modified the definition of SWP a little to not include "...any site preparation, demolition of existing structures, clearing / leveling soil, ribbon cutting or sod turning ceremonies..." As these activities do not necessarily lead to a building actually being constructed or renovated.
To qualify as SWP, a project now must be directly excavating forms for foundations (or carrying out renovations).