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Something that should be developed.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:54 pm
by tidus0
The intersection of commercial and Dalkeith roads and Nashwalk cresant should have a roundabout installed. This has been a really hazardous intersections as many have been killed and etsa truck fall on a sports car killing one, buses can't get through easy.

Since the 12 years i have been living down in the Moana, Seaford area there has been 7 major crashes and multiple minor accidents including interstate visiters.

ImageThis is what it looks like sorta now (little sketch).

ImageThis is what many people in the area propose as the council doesn't make any difference.

Who here reakons that the Onkaparinga council should fork out a couple hundred thousand for the saftey of many using this intersection instead of not doing any differences?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:55 pm
by crawf
Why is this in the CBD Development Subforum?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:48 pm
by tidus0
Sorry but apparently it is in the pub section. (Now this would only effect i think the residents who live in the City of Onkaparinga area but i am sure other areas of adelaide would agree this should be done a) i have been nearly hit by two cars at the same time at that intersection and b) because it is too dangerous.