Will wrote:Waewick wrote:So the french have won the subs contracts and will largely build things here in SA
for that is great, but I would really like if both sides of politics are going to come out and outline how they are going to build on that fed governmnet handout
what complimentary industries can we be using the subs contract to leverage into? whilst I'll be dead come next build, I would hope that in that time the SA will be able to stand on its own two feet rather than complaining about Federal Government defence contracts again.
Whilst I agree that the government has a role to play in building the economy, I think we as citizens also need to put some pressure on the entrepreneurs and business in this state to play their role in investing and helping grow the economy as well. After all, I thought the current economic theory is that the private sector is the main driver of job creation.
Not when it's too hard to do business in this state.
Business bodies have been calling for taxes to be lowered for years.
If I can grow my business and hire more staff because I can afford to due to lower taxes on my business, then I would.(hypothetically speaking)
The loss in taxes from my business directly is made up by the taxes raised from more people working.
More people working means more people have money to spend which flows into other businesses and industries.
If the government wants to create prosperity and employment and attract people to the state they need to make doing business and setting up a business easier and less costly.
I'm not sure if they have been making a start on that or not.
I'm not saying give businesses a free ride but don't strangle them either.