Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

Ideas and concepts of what Adelaide can be.
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Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#1 Post by yousername » Sun May 16, 2010 7:28 pm

Okay. Here is my idea.
Sure the current plan is okay. But it's nothing special. This city has long been called backwater - and although it helps - it certainly isn't going to bring tourists or much foot traffic to the area.

The city has been known as an arts hub - but due to the rise of Melbourne's art scene and lack of events from late Autumn to early Summer - the city needs to do something to increase its art scene dramatically in order to keep up.

Currently, Victoria Square is a dead place, overrun by cars - not somewhere inviting to go to.

This is why, I present my ridiculous plan - something radical - something that is going to give the city a boost and something that won't need to be redone in 10 years like the current plan will.

I suggest completely blocking all roads through the square. Reroute them, I don't care. If this isn't done, the square can never fully function. Radical step 2. Completely tile the whole area - emphasise its role as somewhere for people to go. Radical step 3. Build a huge, disgustingly modern Modern Art Gallery. Make it ridiculously futuristic - a building that will have the forward-thinking style that Pompidou had, something that makes you go "wow". Like the Guggenheim in New York or Bilbao. Create cafes and bars around the edges. Cafes to increase foot traffic during the day - but also lots of bars to make it somewhere to go at night. Put sculptures and fountains around, stairs (like the Pompidou) to give people places to take their lunch.

I know it's radical - but that is what this city needs - something to show off to other cities. Adelaide needs something like this and Victoria Square is the perfect place - given the will to have a true city heart.

Go on, bring on the hate.
Will wrote:Victorians can get f#$%^&*!

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#2 Post by yousername » Sun May 16, 2010 7:49 pm

From other thread
Songsting wrote:No hate here, I like it. Futuristic all the way, and filled with modern art too? Bonus! (Will never happen, of course)
Will wrote:Victorians can get f#$%^&*!

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#3 Post by Will » Mon May 17, 2010 7:00 pm

Your proposal highlights the lack of clear idea of what Victoria Square should be.

I feel that many people such as yourself visualise Victoria Square as a site for some potential Federation Square development. This is why there has been such lacklustre support for the current plan on this website.

I feel that Victoria Square should remain open space. I would hate for large buildings to be erected on the square. Such structures which you mention, I beleive are more appropriate for other areas of the CBD such as the old RAH site.

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#4 Post by activ8ed » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:25 pm


Sometimes, because simpler is better.

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#5 Post by Howie » Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:07 am

Or an underpass (east / west) to make it whole.

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#6 Post by Nort » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:35 am

Holy bump Batman.

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Re: Victoria Square - the heart of Adelaide

#7 Post by monotonehell » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:18 am

Howie wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:07 am
Or an underpass (east / west) to make it whole.
Howie banned for necroing threads. ;P
Exit on the right in the direction of travel.

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