MAY 2019
Major construction is continuing in the CBD at the site of the future Town Hall Station. This update provides an outline of current and upcoming works in your area throughout May.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the Town Hall precinct during May and will include:
• Piling works at Flinders Quarter and Federation Square
• Installation of ground monitoring instrumentation
• Deck construction works at City Square.
Further information on these works can be
found overleaf or at
Melbourne Metro Tunnel
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
MAY 2019
Further to the Kensington May Monthly Construction Update this notification provides additional information about upcoming works in Kensington.
What we are doing
Guide wall and embankment widening works
• Excavating two trenches along the rail corridor
• Pouring a concrete base along the bottom of each trench
• Installing reinforcement steel and temporary timber moulds to assist with pouring concrete
• Pouring sections of concrete
• Reinstating crushed rock and soil along the rail corridor once works are complete involving the use of an excavator.
Site and service investigations
• Non-destructive digging (NDD) to investigate ground conditions and to confirm the area is free of underground services.
Piling rig removal
• Removal of two piling rigs and a crane on oversized trucks.
Guide wall and embankment widening works
• 9pm, Friday 24 May to 4am, Monday 27 May.
Site and service investigations
• 7am to 6pm, Thursday 16 to Friday 17 May
Piling rig removal
• 3am to 7am, Wednesday 15 May.
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
Works are continuing on Park Street, South Melbourne in May.
These works include:
• Removal of redundant tram poles.
These works are expected to generate low to moderate levels of noise.
Access to Park Street
Access will be maintained for residents and businesses at all times on Park Street. Traffic controllers will be in place to temporarily stop and hold any traffic as required and assist pedestrians safely around work areas.
It should be noted that this information is current at the time of printing, however due to unforeseen circumstances, changes may occur. Please visit for the latest updates.
Night works
• Sunday 12 May to Tuesday 14 May 2019,
8pm to 5am
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
MAY 2019
Major construction is continuing in the northern end of Swanston Street at the site of the future State Library Station. This update provides an outline of current and upcoming works in your area throughout May.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the State Library Station precinct during May and will include:
• Piling at La Trobe Street
• Excavation and tunneling in the A’Beckett Street and Franklin Street East sheds
• Deck construction at the Franklin Street West site
• Archaeology at the Little La Trobe Street site
• Relocation of underground services on La Trobe Street, Little La Trobe Street and Literature Lane.
Further information on these works can be found at
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
JUNE – JULY 2019
Major works on the Metro Tunnel are underway in Parkville to build the new underground station. This update provides an outline of current and upcoming works in your area throughout June and July 2019.
Excavation is progressing at the Grattan Street east site underneath the trafficable deck that is now in place to minimise noise and dust impacts.Three 20-metre-high gantry cranes are now installed at the Grattan Street east site and commissioning works are ongoing. The gantry crane located at the eastern end of the site is expected to be commissioned and operational by early June. On Grattan Street between Royal Parade and Flemington Road, work has started to prepare for the construction of two station entrances next year. Service investigations are nearing completion and service relocations will begin later this year.Some works outlined in this notification extend beyond July to provide a longer term lookahead.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the Parkville precinct during June and July and will include:
• Excavation and associated activities
• City Ford site establishment
• Completion of service investigations and planning for service relocations on Grattan Street west and Elizabeth Street/Royal Parade.
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
JULY 2019
Major construction is continuing in the Domain Precinct at the site of the future Anzac Station. This update provides an outline of current and upcoming works in your area throughout July.
It is full steam ahead in the northern and southern sections of the station box with June seeing the start of extended work hours in the northern section, where excavation under the station roof is well underway. The final two roof slab pours for this northern section are set to happen in July. In the southern section, excavation, reinforcement and concrete pours are continuing. The civil works at Edmund Herring Oval are now
complete. Concrete walls and slabs have been constructed to prepare for works in July. Edmund Herring Oval will now begin to install the various treatment plants needed to support the Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) which will arrive in Domain later this year. Some works outlined in this notification extend beyond July to provide a longer term lookahead.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the Domain precinct during July and will include:
• Northern section station box roof slab construction, bulk excavation and installation of support struts underground.
• Southern section station box initial excavation and roof slab construction.
• TBM support site deliveries and installation at Edmund Herring Oval.
• Preparatory works for the St Kilda Road realignment including the temporary closure of Albert Road North.
Bulk excavation
Northern section of the station box, Ongoing between 7am and 10pm, Monday to Friday and 7am and 1pm Saturdays
• Bulk excavation through the void in the roof slab of the northern section of the station box will continue throughout July.
• Steel beams will be installed as temporary support until excavation reaches the base level of the station box and the floor slab is poured.
• Work activities under the station roof will also include earth movers and excavators.
• At surface level an excavator will remove soil from inside the station box and load this into trucks.
• These works are expected to generate a low to medium level of noise.
• Ventilation systems for works below ground will be installed in July.
• As these works extend to 10pm there will be directional above-ground lighting in place for the safety of workers.
• Every effort will be made to minimise the impact on residents through careful planning and positioning of lighting.
Roof slab construction
Northern and southern section of the station box, Ongoing between 7am and 10pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 6pm Saturdays
• Roof slab construction includes excavation, installation of formwork, steel fixing, concrete pours and waterproofing.
• Roof slab construction in the northern section of the station box is nearing completion with two concrete pours remaining.
• Works continue in the southern section of the station box to construct the roof slab of the future Anzac Station.
• Breakout of asphalt and excavation to roof slab level will occur throughout July.
• Breakout of the asphalt is expected to generate a high level of noise.
• Hydro-demolition will be used along the southern east and west D-walls to expose the points to tie the new roof into the station walls.
• Hydro-demolition in this area is expected to generate a high level of noise. These works will not continue beyond 6pm.
• Excavators and jackhammering will be used for pile break-back at the southern end of the southern section of the station box in July.
• These works are expected to generate a high level of noise. These works will not continue beyond 6pm.
• Concrete pours must be continuous to ensure structural integrity. Therefore, these activities in the northern and southern box may need to extend out of normal construction hours.
• Every effort will be made to ensure that they are completed within standard work hours.
• In both the northern and southern section of the station box, steel tying works will continue from 6pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday and 1pm to 5pm on Saturdays.
• Activities will be limited to minimise noise. Works during this time will primarily involve steel fixers using hand tools.
• During roof construction in the southern section of the station box there will be an increase in truck movements in Bowen Lane and Albert Road South.
Tunnel boring support site, Edmund Herring Oval
Installation of treatment plant ongoing until TBM launch
• In July and until late August there will be an increase in the number of large deliveries to Edmund Herring Oval as components of the treatment plants begin to arrive.
• Installation of the treatment plants will progress as deliveries arrive.
• These plants will support the operations of the TBMs which are due to arrive on site later this year.
Preparation works – St Kilda Road
Corner of Albert Road and St Kilda Road
Monday 15 July to early September
• As notified in June, preparatory works will begin Monday 15 July for the 24/7 St Kilda Road realignment works later this year.
• These preparation works will construct the connection between the current and the new St Kilda Road alignment.
• This involves kerb works, excavation, drainage works, pavement placement, asphalting works and lighting works along the eastern edge of Albert Reserve and on Albert Road North.
• By completing these works now, the project team is able to reduce the amount of 24/7 works needed during the next realignment of St Kilda Road.
• These works will result in changes to the local road network for two months. (See traffic and
transport section for more details.)
Oversized transport, St Kilda Road and Edmund Herring Oval
Between 3am and 7am
• During July, oversized equipment will need to be taken to and from site during the late night and early morning. This equipment needs to be transported at night to minimise impacts on traffic and trams.
• Deliveries will be made to construction sites via St Kilda Road between 3am and 7am.
• Deliveries won’t be unloaded until after 7am. Any removals from site will be pre-loaded and driven straight from site.
• All delivery vehicles will be fitted with broadband reverse beepers.
Albert Road North traffic impacts
• In late July there will be a one-month closure of the Albert Road North exit onto St Kilda Road city-bound.
• During this time, all traffic in Albert Road will need to exit via Kings Way.
• Cyclists accessing St Kilda Road from Albert Street North will need to dismount.
• There will be short day time closure of the northbound bike lane on St Kilda Road to facilitate preparation works on Albert Road. Signage will be in place to warn motorists and cyclists.
• Pedestrian access through the area will be maintained and driveway access and rubbish collection will be maintained for residents and businesses.
• To set up traffic barriers for these works, there will be an overnight closure of St Kilda Road city-bound between Toorak Road West and Park Street from 9pm to 5.30am the following day. This closure will be notified closer to the date.
St Kilda Road Realignment works – confirmed date
St Kilda Road
13 to 27 October, 24/7 works
• The date for the second stage realignment of St Kilda Road is now confirmed to begin on the evening of 13 October 2019. These realignment works will allow the completion of the section of the station box connecting the northern and southern sections.
• During this period, St Kilda Road will remain open to vehicles and cyclists, but buses will replace trams.
• Construction works will be undertaken 24/7 to minimise the amount of time that buses are replacing trams. Every effort will be made in the construction planning to minimise the impact on the community, this includes scheduling the noisiest works during the day wherever possible.
• Further detail on the construction, traffic and busing arrangements will be provided closer to the date.
- timtam20292
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- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
Major construction is continuing in the CBD at the site of the future Town Hall Station. This update provides an outline of current and upcoming works in your area throughout August.
Last month the Project team completed piling the first shaft at Federation Square. The piling rig will be demobilised later this month, allowing the next stage of construction works to begin. The acoustic shed is rapidly transforming the City Square site and shaft excavation works commenced in Flinders Quarter.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the Town Hall precinct during August and will include:
• Service relocation and pedestrian crossing works at Flinders Street
• Piling works at Flinders Quarter, City Square and Federation Square
• Deck installation and acoustic shed construction works at City Square
• Excavation works at Flinders Quarter, City Square and Federation Square
• Installation of pedestrian safety gates on Swanston and Collins streets.
Further information on these works can be found
overleaf or at
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
Major works on the Metro Tunnel are underway to support construction of the new State Library Station at the northern end of Swanston Street in the CBD. Service investigation works are required from 8pm to 6am, Sunday to Thursdays between
5 August and mid-September 2019.
Service investigation works will take place in two stages.
Stage one
What we are doing:
• Setting up small localised traffic controls to guide pedestrians and cyclists around the work sites
• Service scanning, surveying and using CCTV trucks at various locations (refer to map).
• 8pm to 6am, Saturdays to Thursdays between 5 August and mid-August 2019.
What to be aware of:
• These works need to be carried out at night to minimise impacts to traffic
• Works in stage one will generate low levels of noise
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians and cyclists around the work areas
• Access to residential buildings and businesses will be maintained at all times.
Stage two
What we are doing:
• Setting up small localised traffic controls to guide pedestrians and cyclists around the work sites
• Saw cutting with a road saw
• Non-destructive digging using a vacuum truck
• Backfilling and reinstating the road surface using an excavator.
• 8pm to 6am, Saturdays to Thursdays between mid-August and mid-September 2019.
What to be aware of:
• Work locations during stage two will be determined by the findings from stage one.
• These works need to be carried out at night to minimise impacts to traffic
• Works in stage two will generate medium-high levels of noise, noisier works will be completed earlier in the shift where possible
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians and cyclists around the work areas
• Access to residential buildings and businesses will be maintained at all times
• Additional information will be provided to directly impacted stakeholders.
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
12 AUGUST – 30 AUGUST 2019
Major works are continuing to support construction of the new State Library Station at the northern end of Swanston Street in the CBD.
Before piling commences at the Little La Trobe Street site, works are required to install services and create a shared use zone on Little La Trobe Street between Monday 12 August and Friday 30 August 2019.
What we are doing
Work to install and relocate services, create a loading zone, and shared use thoroughfare for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. This involves:
• Setting up traffic controls to guide motorists, pedestrians and cyclists around the work area (access to Little La Trobe St for motorists and cyclist will be maintained via Elizabeth Street)
• Excavating a new utilities trench across Little La Trobe Street
• Locating services using a vacuum truck
• Saw cutting the road surface using a demo saw
• Backfilling of trenches
• Removal of existing asphalt along Little Latrobe Street using an excavator and profiler machine
• Building up the road surface and service pits to the height of the existing footpath using bitumen, concrete and tipper trucks
• Installing spoon drains along the new thoroughfare
• Installing bollard footings for a new construction loading zone adjacent to the Little La Trobe Street site
• Creating a pedestrian crossing using a line marking truck.
• 3pm – 10pm, Monday to Fridays (between 12 August and 16 August)
• 7am – 6pm, (between 19 August to Friday and 30 August)
• 24hr road closure (between Monday 19 August and Friday 30 August).
What to be aware of
• Some of these works need to occur outside of standard construction hours to minimise impacts to traffic and local operations
• During work hours and the 24hr road closure, motorists will need to access to the western end of Little La Trobe Street and Literature Lane via Elizabeth Street
• The northern footpath on Little La Trobe Street adjacent to the Little La Trobe Street site will be closed during these works. The southern footpath will always remain open
• Steel plates will be installed over the road at the end of each shift, and traffic will be maintained outside of working hours between
12 and 18 August
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists and motorist around the work area
• Telstra will carry out works under the road closure to relocate communication services. Any disruption to services will be notified separate to this notification
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
Major construction is continuing in the northern end of Swanston Street at the site of the future State Library Station. Last month the project team also reached a major milestone, with the first tunnel breakthrough for the project. This involved roadheader ‘Jane’
breaking through rock under Swanston Street between A’Beckett and Franklin Street for the State Library Station cavern.
Construction snapshot
Construction works are continuing within the State Library Station precinct during August and will include:
• Piling and plunge column installation at the La Trobe Street site
• Tunnelling at the A’Beckett Street, Franklin Street East and La Trobe Street sites
• Deck construction and strutting at the Franklin Street West site
• Service investigation activities throughout the CBD
• Road surface works on Little La Trobe Street under road closure
• Relocation of tram poles on La Trobe Street under road closure.
Further information on these works can be found
Tunnelling works
Franklin Street east site
24/7, Monday to Sunday
• Shaft excavation and tunnelling works are continuing 24 hours a day inside the acoustic shed. Deck construction and strutting
Franklin Street west site 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 6pm, Saturdays, ongoing
• Construction of a steel deck and struts will involve steel deliveries and lifting steel using mobile cranes. These works will involve excavating,jackhammering and drilling using a small drill rig
• These works are expected to generate low to medium levels of noise. Oversized deliveries Franklin Street west site 7am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday 11pm to 5am, as required
• There will be oversized deliveries to the Franklin Street West shaft site to deliver large sections of structural steel for the acoustic shed and deck
• For the safety of the community and our workers, Franklin Street will be closed between Stewart and Swanston Street between 7am and 3pm from Monday to Saturdays as required
• Due to traffic restrictions some oversized deliveries will take place between 11pm and 5am. The steel will be lifted directly off the truck using a crane and placed into position
• Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists around the work areas. Installation of acoustic shed Franklin Street west site 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm, Saturdays, from late-August
• Installation of an acoustic shed over the shaft site will commence in late-August and will involve road and footpath closures. More information will be available closer to the time. Installation of overhead gantry Franklin Street west site 7am to 6pm, Monday to Saturdays from 13 August
• Installation of an overhead gantry will commence with CitiPower installing services under the surface of the road at Stewart Street from 13 to 18 August
• Other preparatory works will take place on Franklin Street near Stewart Street to install footings, stairs and cladding
• Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times. Line marking works Franklin Street west site 6pm to 12am, Wednesday 21 August 6pm to 12am, Thursday 22 August (contingency) Line marking works will take place on the corner of
Stewart and Franklin Street. This involves:
• Line marking using a line marking truck
• During these works a detour will be in place, residents of A’Beckett Tower and the Currie and Richards building will need to use A’Beckett Street to access their car parks.
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists and motorists around the work area, and to and from the A’Beckett Tower car lift
• These works are expected to generate low levels of noise. Tunnelling works A’Beckett Street site 24/7, Monday to Sunday
• Tunnelling works are continuing 24 hours a day inside the acoustic shed. Line marking works A’Beckett Street site 6pm to 4am, Tuesday 20 August 6pm to 4am, Thursday 22 August (contingency) Road safety improvements will be made to A’Beckett Street between Stewart and Elizabeth Street. This involves:
• Installation of a zebra crossing
• Line marking at the U-turn and car space lines
• Street parking will not be available on the southern side of A’Beckett Street between Stewart Street and the U-turn, from 3pm Tuesday 20 August to 6am Wednesday 21 August
• Access to A’Beckett Tower car park and Currie and Richards building will be maintained from Stewart Street
• These works are expected to generate low levels of noise. Archaeological investigations Little La Trobe Street 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
• Archaeological investigations involving the use of hand tools are nearing completion at the Little La Trobe Street site
• These works generate low levels of noise. Piling Little La Trobe Street 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 6pm, Saturdays, from late August ongoing until 2020
• Piling works will commence at the Little La Trobe Street site once archaeology is complete.
• There will be additional truck movements to deliver and remove equipment, construction materials and ground material
• These works are expected to generate medium to high levels of noise
• Further information is available at
Surface works, Little La Trobe Street 3pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday between 12 August to 16 August; 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
between 19 August to 30 August; 24hr road closure between 19 August to 30 August
• Before piling commences, works are required on Little La Trobe Street to install and relocate services, create a loading zone and shared use thoroughfare for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists
• Little La Trobe Street will be closed to motorists travelling from Swanston Street during these works. Local access to Little La Trobe Street and Literature Lane will be maintained via Elizabeth Street
• The northern footpath on Little La Trobe Street will be closed adjacent to the work area for the duration of works. Please use the southern footpath during this time
• These works will generate medium levels of noise
• Further information is available at
Piling, La Trobe Street 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 7am to 6pm, Saturdays, ongoing until 2020
• Piling works will continue at the La Trobe Street site using piling rigs, cranes, and trucks
• There will be additional truck movements to deliver and remove equipment, construction materials and ground material
• These works are expected to generate medium to high levels of noise. Concrete pouring La Trobe Street 6pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday, ongoing
• Concrete pours for piles will occur out of hours and generate low level noise, these works will involve use of concrete trucks, pumps and additional lighting.
Tunnelling works, La Trobe Street 24/7, Monday to Sundays, ongoing
• Tunnelling under the La Trobe Street site to construct the station cavern for the State Library Station will continue throughout 2019
• There will be additional truck movements to deliver and remove construction materials and ground material
• Further information is available at
Tram pole relocation La Trobe Street 24/7 Monday to Sunday, from 5 August
To facilitate the construction of the underground passenger connection between Melbourne Central Station and the future State Library Station, tram pole relocation works are required on La Trobe Street between Elizabeth and Swanston Street. This involves:
• Installing pad footing using a road cutter, vacuum truck and a concrete agitator
• Excavating standard footing using a vacuum truck and road cutter
• Installing plunge columns using a crane, excavators, concrete agitators and hand tools
• The La Trobe Street eastbound lane between Elizabeth Street and Swanston Street will be closed to motorists between 5 August and
18 August
• The northern La Trobe Street footpath and dedicated eastbound bicycle lane will remain closed during these works
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists around the work areas
• There will be high levels of noise during saw cutting and ground-breaking activities and during use of the vacuum truck. Some noisy works need to take place while the trams are not running between 1am to 5am
• Local access for residents and businesses will be maintained at all times
• Further information about these works are available on
Oversized deliveries, All sites, 10pm to 6am, intermittently throughout August 2019
• In addition to regular deliveries to site during normal working hours, out of hours oversized deliveries will occur intermittently throughout August, to minimise traffic disruptions and for the safety of the public and our workers
• These works are expected to generate low levels of noise. Further information will be provided to
directly affected residents closer to the date.
Groundwater monitoring
Franklin, Victoria, and Therry streets
7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and
7pm to 11pm, Sunday to Thursday
Swanston Street footpath well near Franklin Street 5am to 7am
• Intermittent testing of previously installed wells on Victoria, Franklin, Bouverie, and Therry streets on the road and footpath
• There will be intermittent partial closures of footpaths on Victoria, Franklin, Bouverie, and Therry streets to allow for monitoring of wells
• There will be intermittent overnight lane closures on Victoria, Therry, and Franklin streets to allow for monitoring of the wells
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists around the work areas
• These works are expected to generate low to medium levels of noise.
Geotechnical monitoring Various locations, CBD 9pm to 5am, Sunday to Fridays ongoing
• Ground monitoring instruments are being installed along Swanston and La Trobe Street to enable the monitoring of ground movement
during excavation and tunneling works
• Installation involves scanning the area, saw cutting, non-destructive digging, and the use of a drill rig to install the equipment
• Works at each site will take approximately two weeks to complete
• There will be changes to local traffic and pedestrians during works
• These works are expected to generate medium levels of noise.
Service investigations
Various locations, CBD
8pm to 6am, Sunday to Friday until 5 August to mid-September
• Service investigation works are required across the CBD.
• Setting up small localised traffic controls to guide pedestrians and cyclists around the work sites
• Service scanning, surveying and using CCTV trucks at various locations
• These works need to be carried out at night to minimise impacts to traffic
• Works between 5 August and mid-August will generate low levels of noise
• Works between mid-August and mid-September will generate high levels of noise during saw cutting and non-destructive digging using a vacuum truck
• Traffic management will be in place to safely guide pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles around the work areas
• Access to residential buildings and businesses will be maintained at all times.
• Further information is available at
Traffic and transport impacts
• Eastbound lanes on La Trobe Street, between Elizabeth and Swanston Street will be closed from 5 August until 18 August for service
relocation works.
• The northern La Trobe Street footpath, adjacent to the La Trobe Street site, will be closed for the duration of the La Trobe Street
service relocation works
• The dedicated eastbound bicycle lane will remain closed on La Trobe Street during the La Trobe Street service relocation works
• Franklin Street will be closed between Elizabeth and Swanston Street between 7am and 3pm from Monday to Saturday and between 11pm and 5am for oversized deliveries as required
• Little La Trobe Street will be closed to motorists traveling from Swanston Street between 3pm and 10pm from 12 August until 16 August and from 7am to 6pm, and again, 24/7 from 19 August to 30 August. All vehicle access will be maintained via Elizabeth Street
during this time.
• Ongoing intermittent partial closures of footpaths on Victoria, Franklin, Bouverie, and Therry Street to allow for monitoring and
testing of wells
• Ongoing intermittent overnight lane closures on Victoria, Therry and Franklin streets to allow for monitoring and testing of the wells
and groundwater monitoring installation works
• The eastern entrance of Literature Lane was closed in July. This closure will remain in place for up to three years.
- timtam20292
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Re: Melbourne Metro Tunnel
Works in preparation for major construction of the Metro Tunnel Project and the new Anzac Station are continuing. The current phase of construction involves preparation for the realignment of St Kilda Road and tram occupation.
What we are doing
Before we can realign St Kilda Road during the tram occupation in October, we have to prepare the area to allow for the new road to be built. At the link road connecting Bowen Lane to Albert Road South, we will be completing kerb works, excavation, drainage instalment, pavement placement, asphalting works and lighting works leading up to the commencement of the St Kilda Road realignment. Once these works are complete, Bowen Lane will reopen with a direct connection onto St Kilda Road.
Normal construction hours:
• 7am-6pm, Monday to Friday
• 7am-1pm, Saturday.
By completing these works now, the project team can reduce the amount of 24/7 works needed during the upcoming realignment of St Kilda Road.
What to be aware of
• For the duration of the works, the link road in front of The Domain, connecting Bowen Lane to Albert Road South will be closed to all
vehicle traffic.
• There will be intermittent pedestrian diversions along St Kilda Road between Albert Road and Bowen Lane during some works. These will be notified in advance with signage.
• Residents of the Botanica who use the lower carpark will still be able to access their driveway from Bowen Lane.
Works are continuing on Park Street, South Melbourne in September.
Driveway construction – 40 Park Street
• Thursday 5 September and Friday 6 September, 8am to 4pm.
These works include:
• Demolish existing driveway
• Install realigned curbing
• Pour concrete
Bollards will be in place on the new driveway Saturday, 7 September and Sunday, 8 September to allow the concrete to cure. These works are expected to generate medium levels of noise.
Access to Park Street
Access will be maintained for residents and businesses at all times on Park Street. Traffic controllers will be in place to temporarily
stop and hold any traffic as required and assist pedestrians safely around work areas. Detour will only be in place Thursday, 5 September and Friday, 6 September.
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