Life in Australia

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Ho Really
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Life in Australia

#1 Post by Ho Really » Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:32 am

You guys may be interested in the Life in Australia liveability survey. Here's the first page...


You can access the 4-page PDF file at: Ipsos Life in Metropolitan Australia 2018.


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Re: Life in Australia

#2 Post by rev » Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:16 pm

You know, I was reading an opinion piece on how Australia is headed for a three megacity crisis..that being Melbourne, Sydney and South East Queensland (Brisbane, Gold Coast..). Search that, Australia headed for three megacity crisis and it should give you an smh link.

Inner Melbourne or whatever has become the most densely populated part of the country on the back of the huge population growth they've experienced and continue to experience.

I don't know how people can rate feeling safe and high quality health services higher then good job prospects and affordable housing.
What good is feeling safe and having quality health care, if you are out of work or under employed, and can't afford a house and live in a rent and/or barely scraping by with the high cost of living?
We have some of the worlds best health care, but I bet if you ask homeless people they'd say tell you it makes little difference to them and they'd rather be able to have a good job, put their own food on the table, under their own roof (or at least be able to afford rent and the cost of living).

Governments really should start looking at alternatives to Sydney, Melbourne and SEQ.
I think it should go hand in hand with in some way dealing with this so called "man accelerated" climate change nonsense, but by leaving the politics out of it.
For example everyone always says we have so much room in Australia but most is unused.
Well, we can build desalination plants. Israel has turned large parts of it's desert into farm land.
Why not plant forests and other greenery in some remote coastal areas for example, not too far from existing towns or cities, and then a decade or two later start building a new city or two? Indonesia is building a new capital city, yet a much wealthier country like ours can't build a new city?
Personally I'd chose somewhere on the SA coast and somewhere in south west WA.

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