[COM] New Royal Adelaide Hospital | $2.1b

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#376 Post by AtD » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:40 pm

Shuz wrote:I do know for a fact, but I can't remember the reason why - but no new buildings are allowed to be titled "Royal".
I just hate the name still, I don't care if its something boring like Torrens Hospital or City West Hospital or Adelaide Hospital. At least give it a name which is relevant to its purpose and/or geographical position.
If I remember my history, it's due to the Australia Act of 1986, which is one of the many significant pieces of legislation that break our ties with Britain. Thirty seconds on Wikipedia was unable to confirm this though.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#377 Post by SRW » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:45 am

AtD wrote:
Shuz wrote:I do know for a fact, but I can't remember the reason why - but no new buildings are allowed to be titled "Royal".
I just hate the name still, I don't care if its something boring like Torrens Hospital or City West Hospital or Adelaide Hospital. At least give it a name which is relevant to its purpose and/or geographical position.
If I remember my history, it's due to the Australia Act of 1986, which is one of the many significant pieces of legislation that break our ties with Britain. Thirty seconds on Wikipedia was unable to confirm this though.
Though the Australia Act is a significant piece of legislation, I don't believe it has anything to do with this issue (the Act resolved only a particular few constitutional issues). As I understand it (and I've only a vague understanding), this has to do with royal charters, which are awarded to corporations not buildings. Royal charters are basically an historical means of incorporation which have been superseded by today's corporations law. However, certain bodies may still seek a royal charter to be under royal patronage and perceived as superior in their field (such as chartered accountants and builders). Royal charters are attained by petitioning the Queen-in-Council (through, I'm guessing in Australia's case, the Federal Executive Council and Governor-General).

In this instance, I presume the Royal Adelaide Hospital as an incorporation is either being dissolved or renamed through its by-laws (which may perhaps require approval by the Queen-in-Council?). If the Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital is going to be established as a new corporation, I don't know that there's any reason why it couldn't also petition for a royal charter and permission to entitle itself whatever itself whatever it wants, whether that include "Royal" or not. But whether it would want to is another thing: royal warrants are essentially redundant, and with the level of republican sentiment being what it is, why bother with "Royal"?
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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#378 Post by rogue » Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:15 pm

SRW wrote:But whether it would want to is another thing: royal warrants are essentially redundant, and with the level of republican sentiment being what it is, why bother with "Royal"?
Indeed. As recently proven by the Adelaide Showgrounds dropping Royal from their title.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#379 Post by skyliner » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:24 pm

Got some news on this one from my brother (chief Finance officer in a large company of 1200 based in Adelaide) - said this hospital is being shelved. Same bloke that told me about Hills in January (concerning finances).

Interesting to see what comes out in the future concerning this project.


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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#380 Post by Shuz » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:29 pm

Interesting news. It certainly would come as a major embarrasment for the State Government to annouce such a big project, only to shelve it. The Opposition would have a field day with this, using it to their advantage to fuel their inner-city stadium railyards precinct idea for the election.

Guess we'll have to wait and see for the annoucements (if any are made).

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#381 Post by cruel_world00 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:16 am

skyliner wrote:Got some news on this one from my brother (chief Finance officer in a large company of 1200 based in Adelaide) - said this hospital is being shelved. Same bloke that told me about Hills in January (concerning finances).

Interesting to see what comes out in the future concerning this project.


Great news....not that I don't support the hospital.. More so the location. Hopefully they can move this development to a better (less prominent) location.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#382 Post by Wilfy 2007 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:33 am

cruel_world00 wrote:
skyliner wrote:Got some news on this one from my brother (chief Finance officer in a large company of 1200 based in Adelaide) - said this hospital is being shelved. Same bloke that told me about Hills in January (concerning finances).

Interesting to see what comes out in the future concerning this project.


Great news....not that I don't support the hospital.. More so the location. Hopefully they can move this development to a better (less prominent) location.
So does this mean the Railcar Depot will be staying where it is then?


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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#383 Post by Norman » Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:16 pm

Wilfy 2007 wrote:
cruel_world00 wrote:
skyliner wrote:Got some news on this one from my brother (chief Finance officer in a large company of 1200 based in Adelaide) - said this hospital is being shelved. Same bloke that told me about Hills in January (concerning finances).

Interesting to see what comes out in the future concerning this project.


Great news....not that I don't support the hospital.. More so the location. Hopefully they can move this development to a better (less prominent) location.
So does this mean the Railcar Depot will be staying where it is then?

No. They have already been moved bar a few of the 2000s.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#384 Post by AG » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:08 pm

Wilfy 2007 wrote: So does this mean the Railcar Depot will be staying where it is then?

I'm sure there's greater concerns than whether the rail depot is staying where it is or not.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#385 Post by skyliner » Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:12 pm

My brother never mentioned anything about the railway situation. Just confirmed to me that the hospital is being shelved. (After my initial shock and questioning the accuracy of his info). VERY firm about the info.

I am happy about THAT site not being used however.


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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#386 Post by kenget » Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:35 pm

Maybe it has been canned because they how chosen to put a new stadium there instead? :shock:

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#387 Post by Düsseldorfer » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:04 pm

kenget wrote:Maybe it has been canned because they how chosen to put a new stadium there instead? :shock:
i doubt a stadium would fit on the site where the railyards are, would be much better, cheaper and safer to put it on solid ground anyway rather than on top of the tracks leading into the city's only railway station. I think the land just to the west of HQ would be the best place for a city stadium or near SANTOS stadium.

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#388 Post by skyliner » Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:41 am

Shuz wrote:I do know for a fact, but I can't remember the reason why - but no new buildings are allowed to be titled "Royal".
I just hate the name still, I don't care if its something boring like Torrens Hospital or City West Hospital or Adelaide Hospital. At least give it a name which is relevant to its purpose and/or geographical position.
Totally agree! the proposed name - with respect to the person, sounds like they were digging for a title - far too long and cumbersome. Anyway, the hospital looks as though it may not happen - have to wait for more news.


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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#389 Post by Düsseldorfer » Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:39 pm

adam73837 wrote:I still think they shouldn't name the hospital after Marjorie Jackson-Nelson. Are we forgetting that she only became famous because of sport? YES I KNOW, she gave lots of money to charity, but quite frankly, if everyone had that kind of money, so would they!
How 'bout calling it the Howard Florey Hospital?
He's South Australian AND he won the Nobel Prize for PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE!!!
Hmm wait we can't call it the Howard Florey Hospital cause even though it's a much nicer name and fits the facility perfectly, that's too logical for Adelaide :wink:

grrr *puts hand to head*

but i guess it's both good and bad if the project has been shelved, maybe Rann/someone in government decided that it would be better to find somewhere else to build this hospital (might have cost him the 2010 election, MHS would have bitched and complained about it more than usual), but in the mean time we are stuck with the RAH which is a shitheap of a hospital and if/when the state government decide to build a new hospital it will cost more and will probably be built by 2018-2020

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[COM] Re: #PRO: Marjorie Jackson Nelson Hospital | $1.7b

#390 Post by adam73837 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:23 pm

kenget wrote:Maybe it has been canned because they how chosen to put a new stadium there instead? :shock:
This is a part of a post I made on http://www.sensational-adelaide.com/for ... &sk=t&sd=a :
adam73837 wrote:... But I must admit, now that I've got everyone's attention, that if there's one thing that I do like about Rann, it's this: Whenever the public supports something that his opposition, or someone that he doesn't like, has done or said, Rann immediately does the same thing and claims that its his idea. It's pathetic of him, I know, but at least we actually get decent things in the end. All that we need is pressure on Rann, and HE WILL FALL OVER LIKE A DOMINO.
What does that have to do with anything? Well, MHS and the Liberals have been pushing for the inner city stadium for a while, and now that they're going to gain more attention by saying that they'll bid for the Commonwealth Games in 2018, Rann's Government will announce their MASTERPLAN TO BUILD A NEW WORLD-CLASS INNER CITY STADIUM THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESSURE FROM THE PUBLIC OR THE OPPOSITION
My friends, expect to see a world-class stadium being announced for the city fairly soon... (we got the rail electrification -opposition; we got the ACC Planning Powers taken away -Opposition; we're going to get the new stadium -Opposition; noticing the pattern?).
Oh, I can't WAIT for the new stadium! :D
:!: :lol: :D :mrgreen: :wink:

oh, and don't anyone try that absolutely pathetic "glad to get that out of your system Marty?" thing, because, like I said on http://www.sensational-adelaide.com/for ... &sk=t&sd=a , :
adam73837 wrote: Firstly, I didn't say the State Labor Government are the idiots/ enemy, I stated that Media Mike and Furious Foley are.
(sarcasm is absent from the following paragraph): I'd also like to stress (before people start jumping down my throat again) that I find John Hill and Paul Holloway to be very good ministers. I also now think that if Pat Conlon had more freedom, flexibility and was not under Rann and/or Foley, we'd see some pretty good things coming out of the Transport Department.
adam73837 wrote: Secondly, I ain't MHS (for about the 5th time -see what I mean? If ever someone attacks Rann on these forums, they are immediately labelled as MHS or are put down in some other way. In case people haven't noticed, MHS isn't the only person in SA that detests Rann -and believe me, there are many!)
And one again, please don't anyone bring up that MHS thing again, it truly is pathetic :roll: .
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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