While I strongly support Public Transport as a commuting alternative to private vehicle use, not everyone is going to leave their cars at home. An example are my parents. Every morning my mum/ dad drive my siblings and I from Hazelwood Park to our schools at Linden Park and Glenunga. My dad usually goes and parks his car at Rose Park and then walks to Grenfell Street, however my mum drives all the way down to Ashford Hospital where she works as a Pulmonary Technician. The reason that she doesn't park the car somewhere on Conyngham St and then catch the bus down to Ashford is 1. The efficiency (try catching a bus down Greenhill Road -considering the amount of people that utilise it each day, the number of bus routes is appalling!) and 2. The time that it takes; The bus has to stop at the many bus stops along Greenhill Road; whilst the car can go straight from our schools to Ashford Hopsital. My parents aren't the only ones that have such a situation.
It should also be noted there are also many rich businessmen out there that most definitely won't substitue driving their Mercs and Audis down suburban roads for sitting in Adelaide's buses, trains or overcrowded trams.
Anyway, I also think that building Tollways would be a smater option for the Government than building underpasses, reversable freeways and regular ones because it would earn them revenue AND it would also give people the choice that people in other cities have. Do you want to pay a small fee and get to the city quicker? OR would you rather not pay and scuttle down narrow, congested suburban roads? OR would you rather catch public transport? Present people the options and if they want to continue to scuttle down narrow, congested suburban roads, then let them be. I remember reading the Opinion section of the Advertiser a few months ago when someone from Salisbury complained that while the Government is building an expressway for the Western side of the Northern suburbs, people in Elizabeth, Salisbury etc. are still going to be going down Main North, Bridge and North East Roads and that they'd be more than happy to be presented with a high-speed corridor such as a freeway. I think that they mentioned the MATS Plan as well, but anyway, it's not as if people
don't want to use the freeways, the Governments of SA have for too long been studying and studying, have come up with no solution, while meanwhile all the other cities have progressed in leaps and bounds (as stated brilliantly by TooFar). After they've completed studying at our renown Universities and TAFE Colleges, etc. our youth are leaving Adelaide and heading to places like Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. They eventually come back to retire here,

but is that what Adelaide is destined to become? A retirement village with Universities and gourmet food precincts

I'd hope to god that this isn't the case!