APP: [Kent Town] The Deq | 7lvls | Residential

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APP: [Kent Town] The Deq | 7lvls | Residential

#1 Post by Will » Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:49 pm

It is very unfortunate that this proposal has been knocked back. When will local councils understand that the best way to honour our heritage is to build world class buildings next to it? You just have to look at the leaders in the field in Europe to realise how it should be done.

It is unfortunate that because of such meddling we will end up with another bland block that fades away into the background.
Kent Town apartment blocked

news Council 28 Jul 09 @ 09:10am by Emily Whitham


REJECTED: An artist's impression of the development proposed for Kent Town and, insert, architect Damian Campagnaro, from DC Architecture.
A BOLD, six-storey apartment block proposed for Kent Town has failed to get past Norwood, Payneham & St Peters Council for being too out of character with the heritage surroundings.

The council’s development assessment panel (DAP) last week rejected “The Deq” project a white, curvaceous building inspired by the nearby Kent Town Brewery’s old barley silos after receiving six objections from nearby residents.

The DAP found the density, bulk and scale of the building, on Dequetteville Tce, did not conform with the urban surroundings although NP&SP;staff had said it fitted the development plan and would not comprise the context of local heritage buildings.

Kent Town resident Malcolm Tuck told last week’s DAP meeting the building would be too stark.

“It is not an apartment which fits in the Adelaide Parklands,” he said.

Another resident Chris Shellis said the building would “visually dominate the heritage area”.

“It is out of place,” he said.

Architect Damian Campagnaro, from DC Architecture, said he and his client were disappointed with the DAP decision.

“Heritage can be complemented by modern forms of architecture,” he said.


Mr Campagnaro said the design reflected the growing maturity of the Kent Town area while recognising its past.

“It wasn’t that far out of the ordinary.

“I took into account the views of the people behind us. I just want to put something up that’s good.”

Mr Campagnaro was unsure yet whether to appeal against the DAP ruling.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#2 Post by crawf » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:07 pm

First I've heard of this.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#3 Post by Zills » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:23 pm

tsk tsk tsk more development knocked back.. this building would have looked epic

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#4 Post by Omicron » Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:33 pm

'The DAP found the density, bulk and scale of the building, on Dequetteville Tce, did not conform with the urban surroundings''

It's right next to two square buildings of the same bulk and scale, for goodness sake! And as for God, do they want me to get out a ruler, measure the substantial length and depth of Dequetteville Tce and the nearby parklands, and demonstrate how these 3 buildings of the same bulk and scale do not constitute a dense cluster. At all. Not even relatively so.

And as for their apparent inability (tiresome ignorance?) to see how heritage is often best contrasted with ultra-modernity, I give thee:


And so on.

How nice to see that the painfully ill-educated remain ingrained at Council level.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#5 Post by Shuz » Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:36 pm

For the love of flaming gods! This is about as close as you can get to complimenting heritage by providing a stark contrast of visuality.I cannot believe it takes just six people to knock back progress.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#6 Post by Prince George » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:06 am

Omicron wrote:And as for their apparent inability (tiresome ignorance?) to see how heritage is often best contrasted with ultra-modernity, I give thee: < examples >
A closer visual match is Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in NYC, which looks rather splendid surrounded by those classic 30's Manhattan apartments:
I think that the real lesson of all this is not so much that heritage contrasts nicely with contemporary designs, as that thoughtful interesting designs complement other thoughtful interesting designs, almost irrespective of "style". Your fourth image, for example, strikes me as much, much less interesting than the other three - top and bottom are each a bit dull. Hmm, and it was designed by Norman Foster, who also did the second (the Reichstag) - I guess they can't all be winners (even if this one did win some awards).

Was this going to be an interesting design? Well, it's a little hard to tell from just one small image, and I think that many people are gun-shy from the large number of vapid buildings. Irrespective of where the responsibility for those poor outcomes should lie, they are going to spook people (like the six in this story) when they are told that something is going to get built on their street.

BTW, what was that third one, with what looks like a Renaissance Italian tower enclosed in a glass dome?

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#7 Post by Omicron » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:39 am

Prince George wrote:
Omicron wrote:And as for their apparent inability (tiresome ignorance?) to see how heritage is often best contrasted with ultra-modernity, I give thee: < examples >
A closer visual match is Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in NYC, which looks rather splendid surrounded by those classic 30's Manhattan apartments:
I think that the real lesson of all this is not so much that heritage contrasts nicely with contemporary designs, as that thoughtful interesting designs complement other thoughtful interesting designs, almost irrespective of "style". Your fourth image, for example, strikes me as much, much less interesting than the other three - top and bottom are each a bit dull. Hmm, and it was designed by Norman Foster, who also did the second (the Reichstag) - I guess they can't all be winners (even if this one did win some awards).

Was this going to be an interesting design? Well, it's a little hard to tell from just one small image, and I think that many people are gun-shy from the large number of vapid buildings. Irrespective of where the responsibility for those poor outcomes should lie, they are going to spook people (like the six in this story) when they are told that something is going to get built on their street.

BTW, what was that third one, with what looks like a Renaissance Italian tower enclosed in a glass dome? ... ing_Centre

And wouldn't you know; I was trying to find a decent photo of the NY Guggenheim that also includes its surrounds, but no-one seems to want to take wide photos!

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#8 Post by Queen Anne » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:47 am

It mystifies me that we put up so many bland developments in Adelaide that really do nothing for the city, and few people seem to care. Then something interesting gets proposed and people suddenly find a passion for architecture and urban design..

Who amongst those six residents complained about those not vey interesting looking buildings next to this proposal? They got built, so where was the residents' passion then? Well, I would like to complain about those buildings now - they look completely underwhelming and ugly and I don't want them there because they are too out of character with the heritage surroundings.

I love the look of Mr Camagnaro's design. I've just gotten up, and George told me about this thread. I'm going to feel cranky all morning now :x

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#9 Post by Prince George » Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:23 am

Omicron wrote:And wouldn't you know; I was trying to find a decent photo of the NY Guggenheim that also includes its surrounds, but no-one seems to want to take wide photos!
I forgot to mention before: directly across the street from the Guggenheim is .... Central Park. Ooh, here's a nice shot from their website:
I wonder if Mr Tuck would find that too stark for New York's most famous park?

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#10 Post by Will Derwent » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:33 am

And I'm presuming that the DAC's powers only extend over the Adelaide City Council boundaries, and not the state?

(And if this is the case, is this going to be revised in the Greater Adelaide Plan?)

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#11 Post by Wayno » Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:34 am

Will Derwent wrote:And I'm presuming that the DAC's powers only extend over the Adelaide City Council boundaries, and not the state?

(And if this is the case, is this going to be revised in the Greater Adelaide Plan?)
they have "major development status" powers over all council areas where dev costs exceed $10m. Doubt this one falls into that category...
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#12 Post by Shuz » Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:50 am

I'm intrigued at the complete hypocrisy of the Eastern Council to reject this, and another development in the area some years ago; both of which have come to light since the construction of the Brewery Apartments. Are they reluctant to admit that maybe allowing the Brewery to be built was a mistake?

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#13 Post by Will Derwent » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:11 pm

Maybe this will give the developers a good reason to go back to the engineers to find a few more floors to make it $10m, if they have to.

At least the developers might have some confidence in the DAC approving the process.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#14 Post by Wayno » Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:25 pm

i wonder if this would have been rejected if the colour was more like surrounding buildings. In fact, maybe that's the trick - propose the building will have "earthy tones" and you'll get the tick of approval!
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

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Re: #REJ - The Deq - 7 levels - Kent Town

#15 Post by AtD » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:26 pm

Where would this one to be located?

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