Imagine if all proposed developments on Franklin St happen:Type Development Application Received
Application Number: DA/322/2010
Lodgement Date: 4/05/2010
Location: 58-76 Franklin Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
Description: Demolish existing building fronting Franklin Street, construct further 5 levels to existing Young Street car park, reclad facade and upgrade existing retail tenancies. Construct 16 level residential building and 19 level office building.
CCT8 - 21 Lvls
CCT6 - Hotel
CCT4 - Office
58-76 Franklin Street - 19 lvl office
58-76 Franklin Street - 16 lvl resi
42-56 Franklin St - 15 & 17 level Office (8 level carpark)
17 - 83 Franklin St - 13 level office
The Loft - 7 levels
2nd Balfours tower - 18 Levels
Bus stations tower 1 - 18 levels
Bus stations tower 2 - 18 levels
Bus stations tower 3 - 18 levels