News & Discussion: O-Bahn

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#211 Post by Will » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:57 pm

The thing that saddens me is that people like councillors Moran or Wilkinson either dont care or don't know the damage they do to Adelaide as a whole every time they open their mouth.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#212 Post by frank1 » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:19 pm

Will wrote:The thing that saddens me is that people like councillors Moran or Wilkinson either dont care or don't know the damage they do to Adelaide as a whole every time they open their mouth.
I think that is their aim. They are part of a group working towards limiting Adelaides's population through constant negativity. This group has been around for a long time, but coincidently since the state bank collapse they have come into real power. I believe not only do they try to block development, but try to block buisness investment (i.e. prosperity=more people) in this state. This group also has a large following here and Australia wide.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#213 Post by AtD » Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:37 am

More hysteria and a shortage of facts in the Murdoch Press today. Remember the councils have no say in this project as it is a State plan.

Not actual news: ... 5904364334
http://east-torrens-messenger.whereiliv ... bus-lanes/

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#214 Post by Kasey771 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:01 am

AtD wrote:More hysteria and a shortage of facts in the Murdoch Press today. Remember the councils have no say in this project as it is a State plan.

Not actual news: ... 5904364334
http://east-torrens-messenger.whereiliv ... bus-lanes/

mY gOD, IF NIMBY-ism was an olympic sport, this city & state would be the centre of excellence!:(:( How hard is it for these council retards to understand that every car takes up 10 meters[source NSW RTA] (if you include safety space front and back and we are second only to the USA in single occupant car usage! If we spend this $61m, and O-bahn patronage increases-> think of all the cars suddenly off both Hackney and Grenfell Roads! think of the reduction in pollution in our city and theresultant lower gridlock in the CBD...this is a must as our city continues to grow in population! If I had a choice between parking and riding at TTP for a simple 30minute trip into the CBD, or a stressful drive in that takes 45 minutes on NE Road, I know which one I find more attractive! I would love to see the SADoT plans though...You gotta love councilors starting a fear campaign before even seeing the detailed plans..firetrucking d**kheads!!!
Last edited by Kasey771 on Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Big infrastructure investments are usually under-valued and & over-criticized while in the planning stage. It's much easier to envision the here and now costs and inconveniences, and far more difficult to imagine fully the eventual benefits.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#215 Post by Benski81 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:36 am

Kasey771 wrote:
AtD wrote:More hysteria and a shortage of facts in the Murdoch Press today. Remember the councils have no say in this project as it is a State plan.

Not actual news: ... 5904364334
http://east-torrens-messenger.whereiliv ... bus-lanes/

mY gOD, IF NIMBY-ism was an olympic sport, this city & state would be the centre of excellence!:(:( How hard is it for these council retards to understand that every car takes up 10 meters[source NSW RTA] (if you include safety space front and back and we are second only to the USA in single occupant car usage! If we spend this $61m, and O-bahn patronage increases-> think of all the cars suddenly off both Hackney and Grenfell Roads! think of the reduction in pollution in our city and theresultant lower gridlock in the CBD...this is a must as our city continues to grow in population! If I had a choice between parking and riding at TTP for a simple 30minute trip into the CBD, or a stressful drive in that takes 45 minutes on NE Road, I know which one I find more attractive! I would love to see the DoT plans though...You gotta love councilors tarting a fear campaign before even seeing the detailed plans..firetrucking d**kheads!!!
That's it isn't it, it's about FUTURE planning and managing conjestion growth into the FUTURE. It's not just about the time it would save now but what that translates into 2,3...5 years from now. These same people slam governments when they don't plan for the future and then slam them when they do. :roll:

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#216 Post by Waewick » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:36 am

agreed, we are in the current situtation because we didn't think about what is going to happen in the future.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#217 Post by crawf » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:14 pm

Maybe they want this funding directed to tramline into the eastern suburbs which would benefit their council area?

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#218 Post by Waewick » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:50 am

a tram line down the parade (yep going back in time)
wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, it would need to go a fairway down however to become relevant, it would be pretty hand for the schools along the upper parade.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#219 Post by Kasey771 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:02 am

capitalist wrote:a tram line down the parade (yep going back in time)
wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, it would need to go a fairway down however to become relevant, it would be pretty hand for the schools along the upper parade.
Yep lets bring back the old tram network.

3 lines
1 line from Norwood to Ent Centre(then Pt Adelaide)via the Parade, Rundle Rd and North Terrace
1 line from Glenelg to North Adelaide(via KWS and underground(like Ottawa) beneath O'connel St
1 circle line Nth terrace, West tce, Franklin St, Pultney Street

that being such a pipe dream, can we just build the bloody dedicated/seperated bus lanes to bring the O-Bahn into Grenfell and Currie Streets already.irs only $60m for such a big gain in efficiency!the O-bahn is the jewel in TA's crown, the more people that use it the better. Next would be a facelift of Modbury interchange (CCTV, better lighting, more shelter from the weather)
Big infrastructure investments are usually under-valued and & over-criticized while in the planning stage. It's much easier to envision the here and now costs and inconveniences, and far more difficult to imagine fully the eventual benefits.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#220 Post by Waewick » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:35 pm

I'm not suggesting we get rid of the o-bahn, its clerly proved its worth

as you say however its now time to increase patronage

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#221 Post by victorious80 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:27 pm

Kasey771 wrote:
capitalist wrote:a tram line down the parade (yep going back in time)
wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, it would need to go a fairway down however to become relevant, it would be pretty hand for the schools along the upper parade.
Yep lets bring back the old tram network.

3 lines
1 line from Norwood to Ent Centre(then Pt Adelaide)via the Parade, Rundle Rd and North Terrace
1 line from Glenelg to North Adelaide(via KWS and underground(like Ottawa) beneath O'connel St
1 circle line Nth terrace, West tce, Franklin St, Pultney Street

that being such a pipe dream, can we just build the bloody dedicated/seperated bus lanes to bring the O-Bahn into Grenfell and Currie Streets already.irs only $60m for such a big gain in efficiency!the O-bahn is the jewel in TA's crown, the more people that use it the better. Next would be a facelift of Modbury interchange (CCTV, better lighting, more shelter from the weather)
See the East-West Tram Link thread in the Visions section. let me know your feedback!

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#222 Post by Will » Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:38 pm

From the Messenger:
State Budget 2010: O-bahn to city extention to start next year

Government16 Sep 10 @ 04:09pm by Chris Day

WORK on extending the O-Bahn to the CBD will finally begin next year.

But it is still unclear what impact the project will have on the Parklands and how much it will benefit commuters.

Today’s State Budget included $56 million to create dedicated bus lanes along Hackney Road, Grenfell St and Currie St.

The money was originally announced in the Federal Government’s 2009 Budget.

Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department major projects executive bfRod Hooknf said work would likely start in the second half of next year.

He said the department was still working on traffic modelling to see how much time it would save people travelling to the city from the northeast.

He said options included adding two bus lanes in the middle of Hackney Rd, which would mean cutting into Parklands near Victoria Drive.

Mr Hook said plans were yet to be presented to Cabinet.

``We will come up with the best way to do it and we’ll let the (Transport) Minister run it through Cabinet,’’ Mr Hook said.

He expected the project to take 12 months to complete.

The project has been panned by some members of the community and Norwood, Payneham and St Peters Council, who say it will clog up Hackney Rd.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#223 Post by monotonehell » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:01 am

I wish the press (and others) would stop referring to this as an "O-bahn extension". They are not changing the route -- the buses already go that way. There's no extending going on. It's more akin to a road widening.
Exit on the right in the direction of travel.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#224 Post by bay transit » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:22 am

Unfortunately this is not the fault of the press,as the Government refers to it this way even in their Budget Papers yesterday.It will be dedicated bus lanes along Hackney Road,Grenfell and Currie Streets.
Final planning is not finished,(modelling has not yet been done on actual time it will save)even when it is it must go to Cabinet for approval.
Work is planned to commence in the 2nd half of next year.

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Re: #PRO: City Busway - O-Bahn to West Tce

#225 Post by warpspeed » Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:47 pm

Great, now lets see just how much they screw up Grenfell/Currie street in the process.

The traffic light sequencing is pooched enough as it is, add to that the silly lane realignment they did near Pulteney street last year which now means cars can't get past busses stopped at the bus stop. It's just going to be another bunch of epic fail if you ask me. Every time streets in the CBD get messed around with, it always seems to end up being worse, not better.

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