rev, that's incorrect. I am trying to look at the development objectively, though.
AtD, the lack of transparency I'm referring to is especially in relation to a publicly funded project. There also seems to be a lot of secrecy around this. Perhaps the traditional secrecy of sports administrators has overflowed into this, starting with the former SACA CEO's sacking for making the development public.
Considering that the taxpayer is likely to be paying any cost blow-out, and because of the secrecy, numerous questions could be asked. I've asked them before. Please feel free to answer them:
Who pays for cost blow-outs?
Who will ultimately control the land?
Why is the Treasury running this, not Transport, Energy and Infrastructure or Recreation, Sport and Racing?*
Will the building contract be fixed price or cost plus?
Why are the taxpayer funded SMA's meetings, operations and records all in confidence?
Will SMA ever release the taxpayer funded report showing a benefit of $111 million per year to SA from AO?
What is the benefit to SA of the existing $135 million development at AO?
Will ACC be compensated for any loss of income from AO?
Whop will own and operate the proposed carparks?
What are the physical limits of the proposed leaseholds?
What will lease payments be?
What documents about this development are open to public view?
and so on.
So I'm not flip-flopping, just trying to see both sides and to understand what is going on.
Break commercial confidentiality and the government may find itself in court at the cost of the taxpayer.
That's fair enough when the commercial confidentiality is legitimate in the first place. Apart from a competitive tender process, what is so confidential about a publicly funded sports stadium, for god's sake? Where public funds in a democracy are concerned, openness must be the default, not confidentiality. Otherwise, how can the opposition scrutinise the operations of government? How do taxpayers assess how their taxes are being spent? Those questions are part of a wider argument, but have relevance here.
*Treasury have advised that DTEI gave me wrong advice - DTEI
is actually running the development.