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[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:20 pm
by Wayno
Will wrote:People have to put things into perspective.

This stretch of North Terrace is probabaly the most historic and visually attractive street in Adelaide and one of the best in Australia. As such I can understand why the ACC would be quite conservative with the type of architecture allowed along there.
I tend to agree. Although i love the "curve" proposal, it would look a bit odd in this part of town. Now if the curved building was proposed for further down North Tce (opposite the adelaide railway station) then i'd be all for it, and most likely so would the ACC...

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:56 pm
by Professor
What chance this getting built?


[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:09 pm
by Wayno
Professor wrote:What chance this getting built?

Probably a much higher chance than that. Remember this is student accommodation, and it seems demand is quite strong...

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:10 am
by skyliner
Wayno wrote:
Professor wrote:What chance this getting built?

Probably a much higher chance than that. Remember this is student accommodation, and it seems demand is quite strong...
Agree Wayno - with the government emphasis on students coming into Adelaide coupled many students being Asian (who just love city living) chances of construction quite good. Don't mind the new design - more in keeping with the North Terrace overall architectural presence. The curved facade did look cheap, as someone has said, and looked like a late afterthought. Street level needs work - verandahs etc. Too bland.


[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:47 pm
by AG
Keep in mind that the weakened Aussie dollar is also making studying and taking up student accomodation in Australia look more attractive to international students.

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:28 pm
by skyliner
AG wrote:Keep in mind that the weakened Aussie dollar is also making studying and taking up student accomodation in Australia look more attractive to international students.
This is the main determining factor by far - many 1000's more above last year's intake occurring as a result. the weakened dollar has made it at least 30% cheaper for o'seas students. Great for Adelaide - fuels more resi construction. :D :D


[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:14 am
by Ben
No press release about this one? That usually means it wasn't approved?

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:24 pm
by Benski81
IMO that blows chunks.


[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:42 pm
by bm7500
Ben wrote:No press release about this one? That usually means it wasn't approved?
The assessment panel probably fell asleep when they saw the new renders!

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:49 pm
by how_good_is_he
The sad part is the council planners/heritage etc dictated the new design/renders and basically said that the other two designs didnt fit in with the heritage buildings next door etc
Even though the developer/architects did there best with world class designs all the authorities were interested in were the old properties next door.
The ironic part is if it gets too hard and the developer is forced to compromise so much [as he already has] he will just walk and leave the lovely maroon glass circular building - which obviously is a better fit with the heritage streetscape [sarcasm].

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:37 pm
by Ben
From the ACC minutes:
DA/114/2008 [DA] (F/DA/0114/2008, JW)
Discussion ensued.
Councillor Plumridge left the room at 8.46pm and re-entered at 8.47pm.
It was then -
Moved by Councillor WILKINSON,
Seconded by Mr CHEESMAN -
That the development, the subject of the application from A D'andrea & Associates to
demolish existing building and construct 18 level student accommodation building
and rooftop recreation area with basement carparking and ground level tenancy
space at 199-200 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 be DEFERRED to allow the
applicant to consider:
1. That the tower elements above the masonry podium be significantly set back
to avoid dramatic conflicts of scale.
2. That the junction be improved by articulating the junction with the heritage
building to the east.

[APP] Re: #DEF: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:45 pm
by how_good_is_he
What is crazy with this decision is that it is so inconsistent with all the past developments built down North Tce recently.
The East west apartments, the 223 John Martins site etc go to or infact overhang the property boundary AND go straight up with no set back...yet here they want a "significant set back" on what already is a tight site.
Obviously councillors dont take into account there planning recommendations can make things totally economically unfeasible and infact stop any re-development.

[APP] Re: #DEF: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:29 pm
by AtD
I agree. This is not significantly taller than several other buildings along the Terrace. I fear this development may meet death by bureaucracy.

[APP] Re: #DEF: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:30 pm
by frank1
I am just glad that all future proposals go through the DAC :P

[APP] Re: #PRO: 199-200 North Tce | 53m | 18lvls | Student

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:15 am
by skyliner
Ben wrote:From the ACC minutes:
DA/114/2008 [DA] (F/DA/0114/2008, JW)
Discussion ensued.
Councillor Plumridge left the room at 8.46pm and re-entered at 8.47pm.
It was then -
Moved by Councillor WILKINSON,
Seconded by Mr CHEESMAN -
That the development, the subject of the application from A D'andrea & Associates to
demolish existing building and construct 18 level student accommodation building
and rooftop recreation area with basement carparking and ground level tenancy
space at 199-200 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 be DEFERRED to allow the
applicant to consider:
1. That the tower elements above the masonry podium be significantly set back
to avoid dramatic conflicts of scale.
2. That the junction be improved by articulating the junction with the heritage
building to the east.
Point 1 I don't get - look at all the buildings in that area that are high and not set back. If it is set back fewer rooms will be abvailable and thus less economically attractive to an owner - UNLESS ....they go up to compensate. Now that's a thought! More seriously, it looks as though the pyramid is back to haunt us from the city design proposed in 1975.

Point 2 - have'nt they already done that! (and considered other bldgs as well)? The new design has taken decades off the original and looks very 1950's. (I like the latest design, but how far back to you go and how many attempts do you make?) AS How_good_is_he said, they'll just walk away.

AS AtD said, this bldg is NOT significantly taller than those nearby - depending on what nearby means of course - convenient word to use. NTce needs buildings of this scale IMHO - new design complements the rest well.

WE need student resi blocks, the gov't wants o'seas students but we need places to put them NOW. Thus, great that all future proposals go through DAC - will have greater vision of the big picture.