claybro wrote:Seems to me that here in SA, we pfaff around the edge of things, do some required upgrades, bit by bit trying not to offend special interest groups etc and end up with a poor, half baked result in the end that suits no-one. Adelaide is an elongated metropolitan area, very large even by world standards. By 2030 there will be some 1.7 million people living in a thin coastal strip from Pt Wakefield to Victor Harbour. Sooner or later a Freeway standard transport route will be required to cover this entire length.
Required for what purpose? And what alternatives have you considered?
What do we get from our govenment and planners? -"plans for a non stop south road from Virginia to Darlington (whatever that means). Whatever you do...dont frighten the horses by mentioning the word FREEWAY. We'll just build a few underpassess, over passes but still call it "South Road" so as people dont feel disconnected with their neighbours across the road in Mile End, Thebarton or wherever. NEWSFLASH South Road has been a noisy polluted busy suburban barrier for 30 years now. It is down right dangerous to pedestrians and yet we still persist like it is some sort of suburban "high street" with shops etc along its length.
I don't think South Rosd's any more dangerous than Unley Road - in fact in the middle of the day South Road's easier to cross than Unley Road, because South Road has a median strip. And it does also have a lot of shops. Passing trade and easy access are good for business profitability and you want to destroy both!
It's not the word FREEWAY we object to, it's the loss of access (both the severing of many roads and the loss of local bus servives) plus all the noise and pollution that are likely to be much worse from a freeway than from an urban arterial.
Lets just plan a 6 lane freeway with suitable plantings and noise reduction along the sides. Separation from neighbouring roads, housing etc, bulldose one side at least. Build the damn thing and toll it, in sections from Pt Wakefield to Victor. If motorists wish to drive North/South without toll let them use Marion Road, Tapleys Hill Road, Port/Churchill rds etc. and let the rest of us get on with it.
A pricetag of many billion, yet leaving many people worse off than doing nothing.
claybro wrote:About 30 years ago in Perth (pre the curent mining boom) the Western Australian government planned as system of freeways (not unlike our MATS plan at the time)
I think your timing's a bit off. 30 years ago in Adelaide the MATS Plan was long dead. 30 years ago in Perth, though they were extending theipr railways they were finding them inadequate for the traffic volumes, and they were regretting having neglected their suburban railways.
the funding for this was from memory a 2cent per litre tax or "shadow toll" as i'ts known.
That's not a shadow toll, that's a levy. A shadow toll is where the government pays the road operator according to the amount of traffic using the road.
The proceeds from this tax went directly to the freeway construction and public transport infastructure. Perth now has one of the most modern freeway and public transport systems in Australia and is considered best practice in the the world. Perth in the 60's/70,s was not that different to Adelaide today.
The difference being that we can learn from their mistakes!