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[COM] Re: #COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:38 am
by Will
Will wrote:
vozdra wrote:Horrible in person and in pictures. I find it hard to believe that buildings like this, that have a significant impact on the surrounding urban context are approved.These buildings add very little or nothing to the built environment.
Buildings like this are a sad indictement on the current development plan, which seeks boring, beige boxes that 'blend in' with the surrounding. In the current development plan, bold, innovative and ultra modern buildings are a big no, no.
To put it in the record this is a direct quotation from the current development plan regarding Developments Adjoining Heritgae Items:
‘the design
of buildings on a site adjoining the site of an item of city or state heritage should
respect and complement the built form character of such item in terms of scale,
building form, materials, external finishes and colour’.
Considering the large amounts of heritage buildings in the CBD, this explains why so many new buildings are short, brown/beige, architecturally uninspiring and built of 'heavy' materials such as concrete.

[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:49 pm
by Will
New images from




[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:31 am
by carcrash
Brock were holding Open Inspections yesterday evening, I was going to pop in with the other half to show her the box sized apartments she was missing out on, but alas our dumplings were late on coming out and we missed out. Damn!

[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:50 pm
by RayRichards

I like this shot! :-D

Another tower block I dig.


[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:54 pm
by Ben
That's a render lol trust me it looks nothing like that at night.

[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:49 pm
by carcrash
It looked horrible in the wet from North Terrace yesterday!

[COM] Re: COM: Globe Apartments | 50m | 15lvls | Student

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:27 pm
by Ben
Type: Development Application Received
Application Number: DA/608/2012
Lodgement Date: 4/09/2012
Location: GLOBE APARTMENTS, 15-19 Synagogue Place, ADELAIDE SA 5000
Description: Shop fit-out for food outlet.