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[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:17 pm
by Zills

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:08 am
by Omicron
I have a sneaking suspicion that this building will be much like nearby Octagon on Hindley in the sense that it will hardly be noticeable from ground level. I really must go into town and see for myself.

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:42 am
by crawf
This actually makes a huge impact on Bank Street and North Terrace.

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:10 pm
by ghs
The building on North Terrace has topped out. The other is not far away

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:25 am
by jk1237
anyone else noticed another increase in the amount of student looking people with those red satchell bags around the city lately. CBD just seems so much more vibrant out of hours lately, and its the middle of winter too. Just imagine how vibrant Bank St will be after this is finished

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:44 pm
by iTouch
I was in town on Sunday and even though the Showdown was on, which usually leaves the city empty, it was one of the most lively days I've seen in Winter!!

I'm not sure but it could've been because of Avcon and the carshow in Rundle Mall, but it was so vibrant and busy. It felt like the Festival season (March - April)

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:26 pm
by JamesXander
Well the city is growing, the state too!

I love statistics, and usually stats and SA aren't a pretty sight. But alas things are looking up! I am a user of commsec, and they rank the states on a regular basis, since the GFC South Australia has consistantly ranked in the top 3. We did it a gain this time. Heres a link to the report ... 20July.pdf

Of interest is page 4, SA has its best growth rates since 1974. And it also goes on to say that if our unemployment levels drop we would see greater economic growth which would near well match us with WA. I does make me laugh though, SA growing whilst the world is stalling or in recession. We really are backward :)

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:04 pm
by iTouch
Hah, I'm quite impressed :applause:
i guess that'd be something to brag about on Skyscraper city :)
It probably wouldn't help the Western Australian's ego though

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:26 pm
by AtD
Anyone who posts that report on SSC gets howled down by myself and a few others. Commsec do that report every few months. It's a nice result for SA but the statistical methodology behind it is rubbish.

They're assuming, probably without realising it, that loan approvals are equally as important as economic growth. Many of their chosen indicators are contributors to, or denominators of, other indicators. Circular references abound. They use state final demand as a proxy for economic growth, when it's not really, and they're not clear if it's per capita growth or not, then they add population growth to it anyway. Most of the indicators are contributors to growth so there's a degree of double counting. Construction starts and home loans are added, which is double counting, then they add dwelling starts, so there's triple counting. Population is a contributor to unemployment so there's another clusterfuck there. I assume equipment purchases are derived from capital expenditure, which in itself includes building construction. The whole ranking then summing then ranking again business is nonsense Urgh fuck you've made me think about it. Make it stop. Make it go away.

I'm sure CBA do some top notch research, this is not it.

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:10 pm
by monotonehell
JamesXander wrote:Well the city is growing, the state too!
I love statistics, and usually stats and SA aren't a pretty sight. But alas things are looking up! I am a user of commsec, and they rank the states on a regular basis, since the GFC South Australia has consistantly ranked in the top 3. We did it a gain this time. Heres a link to the report
Two points:
1. James: "Alas" doesn't mean what you think it does.
2. Everyone: Why is this general discussion in this thread?

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:39 pm
by spiller
Alas Meaning and Definition. (interj.) An exclamation expressive of sorrow, pity, or apprehension of evil

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:21 pm
by skyliner
You mean it's not a young girl!!??

BTW - any recent update pics of the bldgs along Bank St?


[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:27 am
by SRW
skyliner wrote:You mean it's not a young girl!!??]
* slow clap *

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:23 pm
by Tyler_Durden
jk1237 wrote:anyone else noticed another increase in the amount of student looking people with those red satchell bags around the city lately. CBD just seems so much more vibrant out of hours lately, and its the middle of winter too. Just imagine how vibrant Bank St will be after this is finished
Yeah but it leaves the city feeling empty for the entire summer when school's out and the international students return to their homelands. I don't want Adelaide to put all its residential eggs into the student basket.

[COM] Re: UC: Urbanest 140 North Tce | 59&53m | 20&18lvl | Apts

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:41 pm
by ghs
I disagree with that last comment.

Adelaide is vibrant in the summer. Sure the international students go home but still there's no way you could
say the CBD is empty in the summer.