Matt, I do not consider myself a right wing extremist, and I know a couple of muslim people quite well. The two women I know are well educated, working in mainstream jobs and for all appearances live an inclusive wetern lifestyle, I have met many of their friends.....however, any time I have asked questions regaurding various aspects of their religion out of genuine interest, they are happy to explain, up to the point where I happen to question the practicalities of their customs in the context of our society, and it gets quite...well uncomfortable. Muslims are required to defend Islam beyond anyhting else. Other cultures, other laws, friendships with people of other religions... they do not seem to be able to dis-entagle themselves from their religion even to avoid conflict in discussion. Religion comes before country, even friendships and family once those step outside Islamic guidelines. And as Rev referred to, I have also travelled to regions with a strong Islamic influence, and it would be not unfair to say, even when the Islamic population is in the monority, the other religions/cultures are genuinely scared of these people..such is their desire to dominate the host culture....and this is a worldwide phenomenon.Matt wrote:Please do share your video. It'll be good for a laugh.
The rest of your post is so ridiculous and self righteous it doesn't warrant reply, other than to say that friends and colleagues (who happen to be Muslim) would be (rightly) offended at being called extremists, when they are among the most gentle and peaceful people I know.
Call me a bleeding heart leftie all you like, but judging peoples' character purely on their religious beliefs isn't my thing.
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