rubberman wrote: ↑Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:04 pm
rev wrote: ↑Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:32 am
There’s a lot more job opportunities and economic prosperity in those states then in SA.
People leave for those reasons. Those states might not be beacons of economic prosperity and rainbows, but they are doing a hell of a lot better then us.
Well, if we had another 300,000 migrants, there's a lot of jobs building houses and roads out near Two Wells.
Of course we'd be better off by having massive price rises for houses and traffic jams just like Sydney.
However, just to get it back on topic, which is the election. It was the Liberals under Tony Abbott who shut down the car industry. Can you recall the State Liberals opposing that at the time?
So, even allowing for the fake economies underpinned by unsustainable immigration and housing prices, the Liberals have to take a big slice of responsibility for shutting down the car industry.
I was opposed to the car industry shutting, if you recall.
I’m also against increasing the overseas migration rate to Australia in general let alone South Australia. For a variety of reasons..but...
People need jobs to migrate to.
After WW2, south east European migration that occurred to Australia, did so because there was industry that needed workers, and Australia didn’t have the population.
What exactly are we bringing people over to today? Toilet cleaners and taxi drivers?
And as Waewick says I apparently deny that there’s jobs Aussies won’t do. What I deny is the generalisation about locals on that.
There’s people who are lazy and won’t work even if you arranged for them to be showered dressed and fed and then taken to and from work every day.
Then there’s the hundreds of thousands who are underemployed or unemployed, who if they were able to get a foot in the door, would jump at the opportunity.
There’s plenty of employers who keep advertising the same job over and over for months on end. Considering how many people we have unemployed or underemployed do you think they haven’t found someone suitable? Or is it a case of they are being picky?
Then there is the factor that foreigners will get an employer a wage subsidy. An employer won’t get a subsidy for a locals wages. Our own government is making us unemployable.
Why are they filling the nursing ranks with foreigners?
They aren’t doing ANYTHING to create jobs for the masses that need jobs, it’s all smoke and mirrors and bullshit. Instead they are bringing in foriengers who are alien to our western way of life. They are then subsidising their wages, which we pay for.
As for Holden, getting back to the local stuff, GM was closing it regardless of who was in power. Part of their global strategy. Same with Toyota. Apparently it’s cheaper to make cars overseas but we are still being slugged the same if not more for the imports. Toyota’s Camry for example is around 5k more for the base model and the top end model around 10k more then the locally produced car.
Given the significance to the states economy and the socioeconomic fabric of the northern suburbs and knock on effect to the rest of the city, the state government should have compulsorily acquired the site. There was an Australian hybrid vehicle developer that wanted to move in. Those thousands of jobs could have been transferred over. At least some of them anyway.
The whole space industry thing. That’s great, if it happens.
But that doesn’t address the issue of the majority who are unemployed or underemployed, because they don’t have the qualifications for those types of jobs. All this high tech advanced manufacturing stuff is good, but whose qualified?
They spent all that money on the mining training Center at Regency TAFE, but does anyone know how hard it is to actually get a job in mining? It’s not what you know but also who you know. So tax payers money spent to benefit who? Those with connections in the industry? Again a big nothing for the majority of those who need jobs in this state.
Nothing real for the majority of people who need jobs or full time employment is being done. Smoke mirrors bullshit and staged press conferences.
The alternative choices for government aren’t offering anything either. So who ever wins this months election, at the next election we will be talking about the same things.